ARTICLES BY Joshua Iserhoff

Time for reflection

The other day my friend Tina and I chatted how a year can make a big difference, how life takes us from one place to another. Yes, we’re a year older, wiser or, for some, wilder. We’ve changed or tried not to change. The choice is ours; that’s the beauty of ... read more ››

Changing colours

I am currently writing this column from Attwell Coffee in Mississauga, Ontario. I don’t know how many happy Eeyou faces I’ve seen online with their trophy moose. Some selfies with their beasts made me chuckle – especially the one of my friend, Deputy Oujé-Bougoumou Chief Lance Cooper, posing with his moose ... read more ››

Run Josh run!

by Joshua Iserhoff I love this quote from one of the best movies of all time, Forrest Gump: “My momma always said, ‘Life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you’re gonna get.’” How profound is that?! Life isn’t fair at times, but that’s okay. Life goes on. It ... read more ››

Living the good life in O-J

I very much enjoyed my time at the newly renovated Capassit Lodge in Oujé-Bougoumou recently. It is all class – magnificent. Since it is still under construction, sometimes things might not have gone as smooth at a well-established hotel. But our dear friend, new manager John Boudrias (yes, the singer!) and ... read more ››

The year ahead

Happy New Year to all of you! It is my hope that we all succeed and triumph over the obstacles we may face in 2015. I can honestly say that 2014 was an incredible one. I saw this little curly blonde girl on YouTube standing in front of her washroom ... read more ››

Walking the talk: My journey for a uranium-free Eeyou Istchee

It was a beautiful afternoon in Mistissini. The sunrays kept us beaming as we traveled across my Grandpa Iserhoff’s territory. Grandpa Joe is no longer with us but Dad would share a story of their moments while we roamed around the dirt road. Mom would often be smitten by a ... read more ››

Keeping the fire burning

I am sitting in a warm cabin just beside Pikauba River, in the land of Innu. Words cannot describe how these past few days have been. We have trekked many miles and have seen the breadth of the land from Mistissini to here. We may have tasted possibly all seasons since ... read more ››

Guatemala, Stevie Nicks and a resolution

“Guatemala, land of eternal spring where Native people and Europeans have lived together and made the country rich with traditions and culture” is how my Guatemalan friend Dana describes her country. I couldn’t agree more. I had the chance to attend the World Indigenous Business Forum in Guatemala in late October ... read more ››

Save the moose from cars and radioactivity

I live in fear of hitting a moose with my chic Honda Crosstour. I don’t know how many times I’ve seen Facebook pictures of wrecked vehicles from moose hit-and-runs. Several weeks ago, my father found an injured moose near the site of yet another encounter with a car. The car was ... read more ››

Jet set rez

Greetings from London! (UK please and thank you!) I’m actually en route for Paris as I write this; call me International Josh. I don’t know about you but I love to travel. I have never been to London and at 36, I regret not coming here earlier. There’s something about London ... read more ››

Googoom’s special friend

Youth Grand Chief Joshua Iserhoff Here I am in mid-air again with the Roundtable crew flying from Whapmagoostui to the heart of the Cree Nation, my hometown Nemaska. The stars have aligned to visit this wonderful place again. This time I brought along Googoom Mary Iserhoff, my dad’s mom and the only ... read more ››

Whapmagoostui love

You know you’re getting old when everything turns into “a moment.” Every beautiful scene, cool breeze, old song, a certain smell turns emotional and it is in that split second that time stands still. I’ve been having a lot of those lately! And the best thing about this age is ... read more ››

Melting the pounds

Nemaska reached 35 degrees C during the recent heat wave and it was simply divine. Flew to Waskaganish for a meeting and had an amazing time with Fran, Clark, Sheila and Red (thank you for the tea and bannock). My room was freezing from my singing AC. I stepped out ... read more ››

Cree Nation of Sheraton

I am often asked what I am passionate about, about what drives me. Well, I am passionate about moving forward. I am passionate about upgrading all areas of my life, including my gadgets. I love a challenge. I like when I am told “No.” Actually, I am thrilled when I hear, “It won’t work, you will have ... read more ››

The hunter and the beast

I’ve got to say that autumn is one of my most anticipated seasons of the year. Moose break had begun. This is when I am most at my best as a camouflaged Cree wandering around Shashikan. I feel 100% a man. Spending time with Dad is also an opportunity for ... read more ››

The curtain call

The curtain is slowly dropping on the summer and the symphony has begun to play a few autumn tunes as I am still standing in Wemindji in my Ralph Lauren Vintage Chino shorts. I spent my whole summer in the Cree territory and I did not even catch any “peckle ... read more ››

Bumping along the highway

Follow the Yellow Brick Road and you’ll end up in the land of milk and honey! If only that Yellow Brick Road was paved gold with no huge cracks that have been scotch-taped, deep potholes and treacherous 18-wheelers whizzing by you like bazooka-propelled rockets. I am talking about the infamous ... read more ››