Category: Food

Burgoo: A Canadian cookbook that is all about comfort

While the blueberries may still be ripening on the bushes and the kids are making sandcastles on the shores of Eeyou Istchee, cooler, damper weather is on its way and with it will also come the desire for heavy comfort foods. That’s when you’ll need to brush up on health cooking ... read more ››

Fire it up is an A-to-Z grilling bible

As summer may just as well be synonymous with grilling, one way to get the best out of the sweeter season and amp up your time at your barbecue is to invest some time reading into why you would pick a rub over a brine and learn how to make ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

This edition of the WOG includes a few seasoning mixes and sauces, which are good for you in a variety of ways. They cost less than store-bought mixes and contain no preservatives. You can change them to your taste (or that of your family). Just add or reduce the amount ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

Learning the basics is important step for young adults as they begin cooking. Even the best cooks sometimes have to get back to their roots. Many of the recipes in this Will on the Grill are the basics. They’re recipes I learned from the many cooks in my life, from ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

Sometimes you look at what you eat and wonder what you are missing. I remember cooking for my parents for a while and leaving for a few days. When I came back they looked at me strangely. I asked them what had happened. It turned out they felt guilty because ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

Ah, avocados, my favorite fruit. I won’t bore you with any of my guacamole recipes this issue as I have written a couple in the past. However, I have included Will’s Hard Salad, which has an easy cheater’s recipe for the vinaigrette. The avocado is free of both sodium (salt) ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

Recently I did something I normally don’t do: I hit up a greasy spoon called La Binerie Mont Royal. It was the beans that drew me in. Sad to say I have never matched my grandmother’s beans and have “bean” looking for a recipe for a long time. The binerie ... read more ››

White meat? or dark? – Cooking for the holidays is a complicated chore for Cree families with diabetic members

Here’s some help: While the rest of the world crams just about every single fatty, greasy, rich, sugar-laden, indulgent morsel of holiday food down their throats as though it were their last meal, those with diabetes or other dietary restrictions due to obesity can sometimes feel left out. There is no ... read more ››

Feeding the Body and the Spirit – Traditional Foods to be Served at Chisasibi Hospital

It has been said that when the Cree get sick, they lose their right to their traditional foods. That right will soon be returned to them. Under a one-year pilot program, seasonal traditional foods will become part of the four-week menu rotation at the Chisasibi hospital. The project will see geese, ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

Halloween is just around the corner and it’s time to get ready for the scariest night of the year. Below are a few snack ideas for you and the little ghouls. Enjoy and add all the arsenic you want to any of the recipes.   Spider Pizza 1 prebaked pizza crust or prepackaged ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

It’s hot, it’s humid and what’s a poor boy to do. For myself I whip out the Best of the Best of Louisiana Cookbook and let my fingers do the walking. You can’t go wrong with this book because I picture Louisiana to be hot and muggy and full of ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

If I say I’m eating healthy then the immediate vision some people seem to get is of some poor S.O.B. sitting down and eating the most horrendous food you can imagine. I blame this on doctors and parents. That’s right, you read correctly. How many of us remember having to ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

By the time you read this the current heat wave will hopefully have passed, but expect more on the way this summer. When the heat hits eating heavy is out of the question. So is slaving over the stove indoors. It’s time for the BBQ or something cool and I ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

It’s starting to get hot and this means a change in the way we eat and drink. Stews aren’t made as often because they are too heavy for the hot weather and people need a lighter taste. The good news is that fishing trips are great for the chef and ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

Well, if you haven’t done it already, it’s time to get out the BBQ and clean it off. It is always one of my favourite ways to cook in the summer. It seems to get so hot in the kitchen when you turn on the oven and I’d rather feel ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

The girls are finding it hard to deal with the 10 items for the cook-off but luckily we have a few recipes that are simple and easy to make. This issue is dedicated to fowl play in the kitchen. Ouch, God or at least some one who hates puns will ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

Well, ever since we had the Great Spaghetti Cook-off the ladies in the office are primed to show us guys what they can do. So with this in mind and not wanting to taste the same dish I decided to give them ten ingredients and let them come up with ... read more ››

A Chip Off The Old Block

Recently I was fortunate to receive some moose meat from my cousin Ron. I remembered several ways that my mom, Susan, had prepared moose back home in Attawapiskat when I was young. The other day I tried one of mom’s recipes and cut up some moose meat and fried it for ... read more ››

Will on the Grill: Spaghetti Sauce Cook-off

We had been talking about an in-office Will On the Grill Spaghetti Sauce Cook-off for a while and finally all the contestants were in town and ready to go. The contestants were Nation Photographer Neil Diamond, Ad Manager Aaron MacDevit and Art Director Richard Lawson. They would be judged on ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

Don’t we all love to munch out on something? Unfortunately, that’s where the pounds and kilos can add up. Love handles may be useful but they are unhealthy once they get beyond a certain point. Don’t let this happen to you. It doesn’t mean you have to give up your ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

If you remember the last issue with the Spicy Game Chili, I have to say the consensus around the office is great. I made up a huge pot and actually charged fellow workers $5 for all you could eat. Well, at least until it was gone. I had two types ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

Even in winter There is fishing. Recently when I went home I had a chance to help out my uncle Luke and Cousin Casey with a little winter fishing. No simple ice holes here. A net was put under the ice and the result was some very tasty walleye and ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

The recipes featured below are from the Black Currents and Caribou recipe book put out by Webber’s Northern Lodges. They have two other books that I am currently trying out called Cranberries and Canada Goose and Blueberries and Polar Bears. I recommend these books for anyone who likes healthy, good ... read more ››

The New Chisasibi Restaurant Brings You Great Spaghetti!

This quick and easy spaghetti recipe uses less fat. As you know, too much fat in your diet is bad for your health. You can make it with fresh vegetables or canned. Fresh is better. And healthier too! Serves eight people: 100 gr mushrooms 2 green peppers 6 tomatoes 3 celery stalks 3 onions 2 carrots 1 lb medium ground beef 1 ... read more ››