Volume 5, Issue 17

a cry for help

I wanted to voice myself on a sensitive issue. An issue we don’t really know how to react to. Sad to say it’s “Suicide.” From observing and listening to people in our communities, we joke, laugh and gossip about people who have attempted suicide, but when someone succeeds, there’s no ... read more ››

A little matter of genocide

A LITTLE MATTER OF GENOCIDE: Holocaust Denial In the Americas 1492 to the Presentby Ward Churchill City Lights Books, San Francisco, 1997 Since the release of his book Marxism and Native Americans in 1983, Ward Churchill (Keetoowah Cherokee), a leading figure in the American Indian Movement from the early 70s, has established ... read more ››

All about jealousy

Some lines to remember about “jealousy.” The topic “jealousy.” Different from “envy”? “lb doubt is an injury: to suspect a friend is a breach of friendship; jealousy is a seed sown but in vicious minds; prone to distrust because apt to deceive.” (G. Landsdowne) “Love may exist without jealousy, although this is rare. ... read more ››

Between Friends

A friend of mine gave me a copy of this poem she found on the Internet. It was lyingon my desk for most of the afternoon, until I finally picked it up to look over.It so touched me that I decided to share it with you. I hope it brings ... read more ››

Cree student studies Mégiscane impacts

A Cree student is planning a research project to study the social impacts of the Mégiscane River hydro project this summer. Rébecca Moore of Senneterre wants to interview Cree families in the areas that may be flooded or otherwise affected. The rivers and lakes downstream will see their flow fall in a ... read more ››

cree@large (July 7, 1998)

“They wanted to see what it is we do, so we just did it,” says Sam Blacksmith of his starring role in the Boyce Richardson film, Cree Hunters Of Mistassini. What 82-year-old Sam did, and still does by profession is, of course, hunt. The film, which went on to win three ... read more ››

Dams neglected for years, say reports

For years, Hydro-Quebec failed to inspect its northern dam network as required by its own regulations, according to the latest reports obtained by The Nation under the Access to Information Act. Especially neglected was the LG-3 dam, which saw only 23 per cent of the required inspections in 1991 and 47 ... read more ››

Dr. Tom Jackson

Just don’t call on entertainer Tom Jackson for medical advice even though he now can add doctor to his name. Laurentian University awarded the Native actor/singer/ director an honourary Doctor of Letters degree on June 5. Standing behind Jackson (see photo) is Dr. Emily Faries, a Cree professor of Native ... read more ››

Drug bust in Chisasibi

Police swooped down on a Chisasibi home to seize $1,000 of suspected marijuana on June 23. Charged with possession for the purpose of trafficking was Robbie Shecapio, according to Chisasibi police Constable Robert Shem. Asked why police suspected Shecapio, Shem explained, “Informants and a community member of Chisasibi wanted to help us ... read more ››

Fontaine gets raise

National Chief Phil Fontaine of the Assembly of First Nations just got a raise. Fontaine got a 50-per-cent salary increase approved by chiefs at the latest AFN meeting.His salary jumps from $85,000 to $125,000 a year. Only 4 per cent of the AFN’s 630 chiefs, or 25 odd chiefs, were present for ... read more ››

Hydro plays down problems

Hydro-Quebec says any problems with its northern dams are minor and the utility has excellent inspection procedures. But a recent 25-per-cent cut to Hydro’s staff of inspectors in the North raises questions about whether this will be true in the future. “There are no safety problems. The performance is good,” said Hydro ... read more ››

July in American Indian history

In an effort to promote Native versions of history rather than the current ethnocentrichistory most Natives are forced to learn in school, this will be a new section ofThe Nation. We present you with past events from July 16 to 31 in American Indian history. Unfortunally I do not have the greatest ... read more ››

Log Jamming

I’m sure not a day passes when some Cree somewhere doesn’t see a logging truck piled high heading south. And not one day passes with a Cree tallyman, hunter or trapper not mourning the damage done by Quebec’s clearcutting practices in the Cree territory. I remember flying over the land ... read more ››

Mistissini elects new chief

Mistissini is looking at a new chief this year. Kenny Loon, in a close race, won the June 8 election with 268 votes, just 29 more than incumbent 2nd place contender, former Chief William Mianscum (239 votes). Henry Mianscum received 230 votes, Sam Etapp got 185 and Peter Coon came ... read more ››

New Youth Council

Cree youth have elected a new Cree Nation Youth Council. Ashley Iserhoff of Mistissini is the new Youth Grand Chief/Chairman. Waswanipi’s John Jolly is Deputy Youth Grand Chief/ Vice-Chairman. Tina Mark of Wemindji will be treasurer, Priscilla Mark will be secretary and Charles J. Hester is the executive member. Samson Wischee will hold ... read more ››

No Cree review of Mégiscane project

The Quebec government says Crees have no special rights to review the Mégiscane River hydro project, even though it is on Cree land. Cree officials aren’t happy that the environmental-review process of the JBNQA isn’t being honoured. “It’s on Cree land. That’s Waswanipi land to us,” said Chief John Kitchen of Waswanipi. “Look ... read more ››

Old Nemaska Days

Champion Lake residents say to first time visitors to Old Nemaska, “It’s like paradise. You’ll wonder why we ever left.” The reason why they ever left was far from people’s minds when the entire community gathered again at the old site. For another brief shining week it was like they had ... read more ››

Place of the Drawings on the Rock

Archaeologists have their eyes on a set of rock paintings that Cree Elders have known about for decades. “This is an important find,” said Daniel Arsenault, the archaeologist in charge of the study. The pictograph site is the first ever reported in Cree Territory and is the farthest north of the ... read more ››

The Cree people of the James Bay coast have always been very sociable.

The Cree people of the James Bay coast have always been very sociable. My people who live in remote communities like Attawapiskat, Kashechewan, Fort Albany and Peawanuck have a history that centres around Powwows or gatherings. My ancestors were a nomadic people, who lived in different places at different times ... read more ››

The Message is in the lyrics

The Message is in the lyrics (no need to spin the record backwards!) While sitting in the dark surrounded by a haze of smoke (don’t ask…),imagining the worst (let’s not go there Louise says…), we came up with a dementedidea of how to make the Twilight Zoners scream this time around. So ... read more ››

World Wide Webb: Oh, where do i start?

Oh, where do i start? Should i begin with the impending break out of world peaceor is that just a little too mundane for you? How about something a little more“out there?”” As I’ve mentioned in previous columns… late breaking news… we havemade our mark on the world wide web… That ... read more ››