All about jealousy

Some lines to remember about “jealousy.” The topic “jealousy.” Different from “envy”? “lb doubt is an injury: to suspect a friend is a breach of friendship; jealousy is a seed sown but in vicious minds; prone to distrust because apt to deceive.” (G. Landsdowne) “Love may exist without jealousy, although this is rare. ... read more ››

Christmas shopping in Val d’Or… Worth the trip ?

In mid-November, I thought that it wouldn’t be a bad idea if I’d go shopping in Val d’Or. I’d take the opportunity to look around for some rebates and at the same time do my Christmas shopping. I thought that I’d save a lot more on many different items, food ... read more ››

Stop the silence…

Hello! It’s me again, and it’s not over… First of all, I would like to thank you for printing my messages which could be very helpful for a lot of people. Also, I would like to congratulate you for the progress you have made at editing The Nation. What a change ... read more ››

The Doctor Is In: A landslide, a meteorite or…

One summer night in late June of this year, some say, it might have been a meteorite or somekind of light falling from the sky. The next day, what may have appeared as a landslide on theshore of the Hudson Bay, approximately three to four kilometres north of Whapmagoostui orKuujjuarapik, ... read more ››