ARTICLES BY letters letters

Letter to the editor

Addressing Cree Education To the Nation, This letter is in response to the editorial by Daniel David (“The Cree way”, Vol. 19, No. 06, January 27, 2012). As Chairperson of the Cree School Board, I welcome the opinions and perspectives of others regarding educational issues and the Cree School Board. I was ... read more ››

From the GCCEI/CRA

We take issue with certain inaccurate statements made in the article in the January 27, 2012 issue of The Nation entitled “CREECO board nixes new structure – for now”. If not corrected, they could cause unfounded concern among the Cree people of Eeyou Istchee regarding the establishment of the Cree Development Corporation ... read more ››

To John Ivison, The National Post

  I did call you back and left a message in your voicemail. Indeed, witnessing the horrible and deplorable living conditions of First Nation peoples of Attawapiskat gives a black eye to all Canadians. It is very sad and totally unacceptable for anyone to be expected to raise their children, their Elders ... read more ››

David’s Journey

Our Cree Nation is young and vibrant. Like all Nations, we too need “Cree Champions”. Cree Champions who believe in worthy causes. Cree Champions who are courageous, who are history makers and believers of helping others who are in need when there is nowhere else to turn too. Cree Champions are ... read more ››


This is to express my excitement after reading the article written by Amy German, entitled “Cree Youth Going Global” in your January 14, 2011 issue of Nation (Vol. 18, No. 5) which features the story of Charley Wash [CNYC’s Youth Forum coordinator’s] “Cree World Youth” project. I am hoping to read ... read more ››

A problem with firearms

I wish to address a serious and disturbing problem in the Cree Nation that is growing at an alarming rate and, quite frankly, it is simply unbelievable. Answer me this, how many times can you recall in the past year where there has been an incident of an intoxicated individual ... read more ››

Surviving the survivors

I would like to express something about the residential schools issue. Maybe somebody has been gone through what I have been through. I have been reading and hearing a lot about the residential school money that survivors are given for all the abuse and torture they experienced at residential school. But ... read more ››

Remembering Smally

Here are a few words touching Smally Petawabano, as I found him when he was Chief in 1969. “Smally was the chief when I first went up to Mistassini in 1969. He was running the band out of a tiny, rundown hut, and like many other chiefs across Canada at that ... read more ››

Proud of being Native

My name is Destiny Chescappio. I was born in Maniwaki, Quebec, where my mother Grace Brennan is originally from, an Algonquin reserve called Kitiganzibi. My father’s name is James Chescappio. He was born in Schefferville, Quebec and later moved to a new reservation called Kawawachikamach, where the population is close ... read more ››

Open letter to the bootleggers, pushers, drug dealers, drinkers, abusers and criminals of Eastmain

The people of Eastmain have a message for you. We have had enough of you and of the problems you are creating in our community. Problems such as child neglect, physical abuse, family break-ups and so on. Because of you, Eastmain has become a sick community, a dirty community, a community which ... read more ››

How to Lose the North

There has been a lot of talk about the battle fought by the people of Sept-Îles against the uranium mine project there. Currently, there is an active debate surrounding the exploitation of shale gas. Meanwhile, just 975 km north of there, the first uranium mine in Quebec is quietly cutting ... read more ››

Cree schools failing our children

This is just an idea that I think the Nation should try writing about. My son attends the elementary school here in Waskaganish. He is in Grade 1 French. Since he has been attending the school it has been nothing but violence between the students. My son comes home almost ... read more ››

Giving Back

Watchiyaa from Thunder Bay, Ontario I want to express my gratitude for the opportunity of being able to go to post-secondary education institutions. I left home with nothing but the clothing on my back and my two children. In pursuit of higher education. I moved away from home even though I ... read more ››

Our Language Should Be Our Passion – Revive it!

Dear Editor, Would you publish this letter in your paper as I would like to reach out to as many Native educators as possible and to the people in general about my passion. I’ve researched just about as many Aboriginal languages programs there are from Ministries of Educations, school boards, education authorities, ... read more ››

Strateco answers the letter of Elaine Hébert, member of the Mich Cini coalition

In response to the letter published in the Nation (Vol. 17, No. 16; June 18, 2010), authored by Élaine Hébert, spokesperson for the Mich Cini Coalition, we would like to re-establish certain facts whose inaccuracy is misleading the public about the safety of the nuclear industry. Similarly to Mrs Hébert, we ... read more ››

Dear People of Mistissini and Eeyou Itschee

As the summer is coming in and that the next and final hearing for the Matoush project will be at the end of September, it is important that as many people as possible in Mistissini and elsewhere in Eeyou Itschee are aware of this possible uranium mine and its consequences. ... read more ››

Setting the record straight about radon

To the editor: I would like to respond to accusations in the April 23 article published in The Nation (Vol. 17, No. 12) entitled “Uranium Update: Revisiting Strateco, their Mistissini opposition and the activism against the proposed uranium exploration project” that the Canadian Nuclear Safety Commission (CNSC) has misled the public ... read more ››

Trying to sympathize

It was on a Sunday morning when I read the “Youth on a Budget” article by Amy German (Nation, Vol. 17, Issue 11, April 9, 2010). It didn’t come as a surprise to me hearing that the Cree Nation Youth Council are receiving major budget cuts for the new fiscal year. ... read more ››

Farewell my son

I joined the Cree Youth Heritage Journey in August 2009 from Mistissini to Waskaganish. I was the assistant guide in Group 1 and Lawrence Neeposh was our head guide. I had a hard time, about whether I should go on this canoe trip as that trip was the last route my ... read more ››

The highs and lows of the Val d'Or hockey and broomball tournament

I wish to share my appreciation of the 29th Annual C.R.E.E. Senior Hockey and Broomball Tournament held in Val d’Or December 10-13 and, at the same time, add some of my criticisms, hoping they will be received in a constructive way. First, I want to say that my husband and I ... read more ››

Why do the good people have to go so soon

Every time we, the Cree Nation, lose a youth or any Cree individual who has contributed so much to the Cree Nation there is always one question that lingers in my mind: “Why did he or she have to go so soon, so early?” With the passing of the late Mr. ... read more ››

M.B.J. and the Northern Development Plan

As an ordinary displaced Cree hunter having ancestors who were the first inhabitants of this continent, the Prime Minister’s words struck fear into my heart “Use it or lose it” in talking about the North. Municipalité de Baie-James and the provincial government’s plan for the north (where all our Cree ancestral ... read more ››

Grand Canal project

I was surprised to see the Nation give the Montreal Economic Institute’s “study” on the transfer of Cree water to the U.S. via the Grand Canal scheme (Vol. 16, No. 19). This scheme has been around since the 1960s, and has all the negatives that journalist Amy German pointed out, ... read more ››

International Day of the World’s Indigenous People

Fifteen years ago, the General Assembly of the United Nations declared the 9th of August “International Day of the World’s Indigenous People”. It is a crucial event for Aboriginal people around the world, celebrated every year by the international community. This is the opportunity to commemorate the cultural richness of ... read more ››

What I expect a leader to be

We all know that there is an upcoming election for the Grand Council’s top positions, and many, from what I see, will be running. What their motives are for running, I’m not to sure of yet, for it is in their actions that we will see the truth. Motives for running ... read more ››

A Life-Changing Chisasibi

What is three months? Technically speaking it is 12 weeks or roughly 90 days or even 2160 hours but when I look back on my three months here in Chisasibi. I realize it has been much more than that. It has been an experience that has changed my life and ... read more ››