Volume 22, Issue 14

‘Removal NOW’ Only a public inquiry will clear the air over the murder of Dudley George

The man who killed native protestor Dudley George gave up his attempt to get back his job in the Ontario Provincial Police last week. But those still working for some sort of justice for the first person in Canada to be killed in over a century of aboriginal protest against ... read more ››

A Taste of Smoked White Fish

Maybe it was a trip down memory lane in a place I’ve never been before. Isn’t that what they call déjà vu? Anyhow it was a stopover on the way to the Moose River. You have to go trough Waskaganish and the stopover is long. It’s a four hour layover. I ... read more ››

MoCreebec: Just who are they?

Like many other James Bay Crees, I went to residential «school in Moose Factory, Ontario. I have returned there only once since I left the school 26 years ago, until this past week. There are mixed feelings about the place; because of the exile and the problems a residential school ... read more ››

Natives file $12.5 billion lawsuit

A national class-action lawsuit has been launched in Ontario seeking more than $12.5 billion in federal compensation for the 91,000 people who attended Indian residential schools across Canada. The Assembly of First Nations, Canada’s largest native organization is endorsing the claim. “’The AFN will indicate to the courts they are supportive ... read more ››

Report says inadequate Kashechewan dike puts community at risk

For many Crees, the spring thaw is associated with warmer weather and the pleasures of goose break. For the residents of Kashechewan First Nation however, the change of season is a time of destructive flooding and a grim annual evacuation. In late April, the community of 1500 Crees was evacuated for ... read more ››

Standing Up For Our Rights

Over the past few years there have been some unsettling developments taking place that could affect myself, my home community of Attawapiskat on the James Bay coast and other First Nations people across the country. There are new political movements at the provincial and national levels of government that are ... read more ››

Ten Thousand Steps

It is well known that First Nation people all across this country suffer from diabetes and heart disease. The Cree of James Bay started to develop these health problems decades ago when so-called progress came to our remote First Nations. Some of us ended up with jobs working for the ... read more ››

They call me Cheech

Johnathon Cheechoo: San Jose’s next Shark? He is the son of Mervin and Caroline Cheechoo of Moose Factory and by October 10 he could very well be the next left-winger for the San Jose Sharks in the NHL. At 22 years of age, six feet tall and weighing 200 pounds, Jonathan ... read more ››

Under The Northern Sky The first day of school

The beginning of a new school year is an event that involves everyone in a small remote First Nation community. Parents and Elders in First Nation communities believe in teaching and exposing children to our people’s traditional and cultural practices. They also understand that youth need a good education in the ... read more ››

Voices of the Land

Voices of the Land is an unusual compilation. It is neither music, nor poetry, nor spoken word and teaching. It is the combination of all these that takes you on a journey. It is the journey of the people of Chisasibi and it is a beautiful one. It contains anger, ... read more ››

Wemindji has new deputy chief Chief position contested but nobodies talking for now

Just who is the chief of Wemindji? The electoral officer says it is Reggie Mark, but apparently the matter may be taken to the courts. The Nation asked Chief Reggie Mark for an interview, but he said he couldn’t comment or even issue a statement due to legal complications. A re-count ... read more ››

Will on the Grill: Will’s Raspberry Delight Salad, Pine-Apple Crisps, Amazing Pork Roast, Baked Potato Salad

The first recipe is one I came up with while at home relaxing during the final days of the elections. Congratulations by the way to all those who participate in Cree democracy either as candidates or voters. Anyhow, we were having a BBQ at casa Nicholls and I made a small ... read more ››