Volume 5, Issue 15

“Redskins” like “coloureds”

Did you hear what “whitey’s” talk’n about these days? The Washington “Redskins” football team is in court fighting “Injuns” to keep their name as a trademark. The Redskins team is arguing that it’s okay to use the word “redskin” because it’s like calling black people “coloureds.” I, for one, find this ... read more ››

46 Cree teachers graduate from special McGill program

Forty-six Crees graduated last week from McGill University’s first class of students in Aboriginal-literacy education. A banquet was held at McGill University to honour the graduates. Elder Robbie Matthew Sr. of Chisasibi spoke at a banquet afterwards on the importance of the Cree language and teachers. Three awards were given out to ... read more ››

Between Friends The First Kiss

Your first step, first birthday, first word, first day of school, first party. These arejust some of the turning points in our lives. Then there is the first kiss. It changeswho you are, as soon as it happens. You can learn a lot about people from their firstkiss stories. “It was ... read more ››

Cover-up alleged in ’96 flood disaster

Do you ever get the feeling we’re living in some twisted kind of communist society? That’s how it felt reading Quebec historian Russel Bouchard’s book about the 1996 flood in the Saguenay-Lac St. Jean region. Bouchard tells the story of how big multinational companies were responsible for the disaster and covered ... read more ››

cree@large (June 19, 1998)

“I was hoping you didn’t get it.” laughs David Sam when I thank him for faxing me his answers. I had asked to do his profile weeks before the Chisasibi Kung Fu exhibition. He refused. There was nothing I could do but skulk away. After all, he holds a brown ... read more ››

Happy Father’s Day

It was always recognized that Mother’s Day was important and fathers were left by the roadside, but as they say every dog has his day. Not to put down fathers of course. After all I’m one myself and proud of it. But one urban myth I’ve always hated was that ... read more ››

Hydro: “most secretive utility’ in North America

Hydro-Quebec has acquired a reputation as “the continent’s most secretive utility,” says a U.S. energy consultant. Hydro is keeping secrets from the citizens of Quebec because it has a “fear” of “an open and honest intellectual exchange,” says Robert McCullough, an economics professor at Portland State University in Oregon. McCullough’s comments came ... read more ››

I recently got some bad news from home.

I recently got some bad news from home. Reg Louttit, or Mr. Bingo as he was affectionately known, has passed away. When death comes to take someone from a small, remote community like Attawapiskat, the impact is great. In Reg’s case, he was such a prominent personality and integral to the fabric ... read more ››

Investigation of Judge Paul dropped

It was good news for federal Judge Réjean Paul. The RCMP has dropped the investigation into the judge’s alleged financial shenanigans. The judge says that he was not surprised. “I was convinced (it would happen),” said Paul. He said the facts spoke for themselves. Paul was being investigated on an anonymous tip ... read more ››

Kung Fu

It was the night two ancient cultures met. Originally from the farthest corners of China, ambassadors of Kung Fu came to Chisasibi and performed in the first martial artsexhibition that town has ever seen. The evening opened with a Lion Dance, which is said to bring luck and happiness.With a beat ... read more ››

Nation-to-nation talks start with Feds

The Cree Nation kicked off a new relationship with the federal government at a historical meeting in Ottawa. Present were six federal ministers, two Members of Parliament and the entire Cree leadership. The meeting gave birth to the Cree-Canada Round Table, also known as “Ochimawinch” or the “Leaders’ Place,” and another ... read more ››

Report paints damning picture of dams

Because one of its engineers was sick, Hydro-Quebec didn’t bother to do a safety inspection of the biggest dyke in the LG-2 complex or any of its dams in the Abitibi region in 1996, according to a report obtained by The Nation. Also, Hydro did virtually no maintenance or repairs on ... read more ››

Rez Notes

After five hundred years they have finally seen it fit to give us aboriginals our very own day. Lucky for us we get to share it with the millions of fathers out there. That is just so typical. They give us a day and we end up having to share ... read more ››

World Wide Webb: I Seek You or ICQ?

I Seek You or ICQ? There is a way to know when your buddies are on line. It is called ICQ, as in I seek you… According to Mirabilis, the company that released ICQ, “It is a revolutionary, user-friendly Internet tool that informs you who’s on-line at any time and ... read more ››

Your Horrorscope: June 19

Gemini (May-June 21) The craving for variety is inherent. Continually searching for exciting diversions is almost a full-time job. Avoid routine and monotonous activity like the plague. You are constantly carried off by the wind, which is fueled by your inner thirst for challenging experiences. Cancer (June 22-July 22) The greatest ... read more ››