Volume 5, Issue 2

Aquarius, Honest, Loveable, Humane, Open-Minded, Detached.

“Astrology is a complex science which can only be mastered by the very best.” There you go!So Thelma and Louise invite you to take a glimpse of the character type of each sign, whichwill enable you to learn more about yourself and others. This might make it easier for thecommon ... read more ››

cree@large (December 19, 1997)

Our second victim modestly left the “Claim To Fame” and “Title of your Autobiography” parts of the cree@large interrogation sheet blank for us to fill in. Bertie Wapachee came up through the ranks of the Cree youth movement’s hierarchy, starting with secunty at the first World Indigenous Youth Conference in 1992. ... read more ››

Dogs in Waskaganish

Last winter I stayed for three months in Waskaganish and I found that stray dogs are a problem there. I did a small door-to-door survey (of 132 people) to find out more about the problem. Possibly it is a problem in other communities too. Dogs used to be useful and respected ... read more ››

Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come, Part II

This is the second part of the interview held with Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come at theend of November. In it he looks at the future of the Cree language and culture,negotiations with the federal and provincial governments, and forestry. The Nation: The Cree School Board just had a conference on ... read more ››

Great Whale referendum doesn’t count: HQ

Whapmagoostui residents may have voted 92 per cent against any new hydro projects, but Hydro-Quebec still isn’t convinced Crees really said, “NO.” “I’m aware there was a referendum,” said Ghislain Ouellet, Hydro’s executive vice-president, in an interview with The Nation last month. “But I think the referendum was on the Great Whale ... read more ››

Les Notes Des Rez

In honour of Bill 101 and this being our 101 st issue, we hereby re christen this column… drum roll please, Les Notes Des Rez. Mercy. If you’re like most of our readers who turn to the back pages first, you may have readthe letter (See page 6) from “Crees who dare ... read more ››

Northern Battles Local Store Into Ground

Kevin Hatt spends his days twiddling his thumbs in Sandy’s Corner Store wondering where all the customers went. Everything was going great just two years ago for the little Cree-owned convenience store that sits right on the shore of the mighty Great Whale River in Whapmagoostui. Sandy’s had 22 employees, almost all ... read more ››

Stop the silence…

Hello! It’s me again, and it’s not over… First of all, I would like to thank you for printing my messages which could be very helpful for a lot of people. Also, I would like to congratulate you for the progress you have made at editing The Nation. What a change ... read more ››

The silence of the lambs (chiefs)

My usual Christmas editorial is usually about the concepts of sharing with those less fortunate than ourselves. I think by now everyone has the message since I’ve been hearing about the good works done in many communities. Next year I’ll be covering some of them to give credit where credit ... read more ››

TVA show singles out Cree HQ worker

Not many Crees work at Hydro-Quebec despite the 1986 La Grande Agreement guaranteeing 160 jobs by Jan. 1,1996. Today the number of Cree workers is low: only seven permanent employees, 12 temporary workers and 11 workers subject to recall if positions become available. This is out of a workforce of ... read more ››

We will not forget them

The tragic death of our friend, James A. Shecapio, and that of his daughter, Amanda, brought news that was very difficult to accept. We had lost two very special and dear people, and so unexpectedly. IT seems somewhat impossible to believe. We might wonder what James, himself, would have counseled us ... read more ››