Volume 2, Issue 18

1,000+ Crees on housing waiting list

The housing situation in the Cree communities is worsening and there is no end in sight unless drastic changes are made, according to a report submitted to the Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council/CRA in Wemindji. Many Crees have to live in condemned housing and in many houses there is ... read more ››

Cree kids cruise on down info highway

Are video games the key to your children’s success? Unless they want to become fighter pilots, probably not. But many experts say a computer can help get children plugged into the so-called information highway at an early age, when it counts most. Computers today play a central role in many businesses, and ... read more ››

Elijah Harper Overcoming Mystery Illness

Elijah Harper is showing signs of recovery from the mystery illness which has left him physically exhausted and 60 pounds lighter. After months of being unable to keep food down, he is now eating more regularly and putting on weight. “He is much more himself now,” said Lome Hanks, a spokesman for ... read more ››

Lessons in personal leadership, or The Great Boy Scout Revolt

I went to Moose Factory and Moosonee recently. One of my aunts, Minnie Jolly, had passed away. I would like to thank all the people who sent their prayers and condolences with me for the family. I would like to especially thank Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come and Vice-Grand Chief ... read more ››

Makivik prez steps aside

In a surprise move, Simeonie Nalukturuk has resigned as president of Makivik Corp. just 17 months after taking over the job from Charlie Watt. Makivik spokesman Steven Hendrie said Nalukturuk resigned for “personal reasons.” In April, Nalukturuk went on Inuit radio to apologize for a drinking-and-driving accident he had been involved ... read more ››

Mamoweewodow Minshtukch

The gathering at Fort George was held for the eighth consecutive year from July 27 to 31. The weather didn’t want to cooperate this year again as gusty winds and rainfalls were omnipresent. The events were delayed by one day as problems occurred with the barge operation, so Friday began with ... read more ››

New building opens Sept. 11

The Val d’Or Native Friendship Centre, which was founded in 1974, has outgrown the capacity of its present building. The new building, located at 1272, 7th Street, is nearing completion. The Centre will finally have the necessary infrastructure to provide essential services to aboriginal people. The new building has three floors. ... read more ››

PQ not so bad: Chief

Chief Billy Diamond says Crees and the PQ government finally see eye-to-eye on hydro-electric projects, reports The Montreal Gazette. The article, taken from the Canadian Press wire service, says Diamond was “conciliatory” at a meeting of politicians from Quebec and northeastern U.S. states. Diamond said relations have improved between Crees and ... read more ››

Referendum “a go”

They might actually hold that referendum after all. Premier Jacques Parizeau and his separatist followers are excited by recent surveys conducted for the Parti Québécois that suggest 50 to 53 per cent of Quebecers will vote “yes” in a referendum on sovereignty. Observers are cautioning that some of that support is ... read more ››

SQ raid bad mistake: coroner

There was no urgent need for the SQ to attack a Mohawk barricade on July 11, 1990, says coroner Guy Gilbert. In a 500-page report, Gilbert called the raid that led to the Oka Crisis unjustified and blasted both levels of government for failing to resolve the land dispute at Kanehsatake ... read more ››

The Nation’s AGA report: “Where’s Hydro when you need them?” One AGA delegate wonders

This year’s AGA cost about $70,000. Or $2,333 per hour for the 30-hour schedule. Democracy doesn’t cost that much in the Cree world when you consider that over 60 people met for three days at the assembly in Wemindji after travelling great distances. As the delegates walked in, there was a ... read more ››

Unsafe water in many reserves

Drinking water on one in four Native reserves is so bad it could pose health risks if not fixed, says a federal survey. One in six sewage systems also poses potential health hazards. The survey also found that many communities with adequate facilities have a lack of trained people to operate them. The ... read more ››

What is our culture?

So whatever happened to the phrase we’ve been saying to our young generation… “Let’s return to our culture”? What is our culture? Is it going back to the land, living a simple life like our ancestors long before us, or is it living in a modern house in town with ... read more ››