ARTICLES BY Pierre Lemay

The Rouyn Tournament

The Mayor of Rouyn-Noranda was present for the opening ceremonies along with the directors of thevarious communities. Also present were John Kitchen, chief of Waswanipi, Remi Trudel of Plaza Dupuis,Marc Buteault, president of the local winter games, John Pash, Pierre Jacques, Gerard Page, Michel Guay, Ahsley Iserhoff, Matthew Swallow, Edward ... read more ››

Mamoweedow Minshtukch ’96

This Eighth Annual Mamoweedow Gathering on the Island of Fort George, held between July 24 and 28, was for once near-perfect in terms of weather conditions, participation by the remaining former Islanders and means of access to the Island. Exception made for the first rainy day, the remaining ones were warm ... read more ››

Native Festival on St. Denis Street

The Native presence in Montreal was celebrated on St. Denis Street from the 18th to the 2st of June. A Native encampment was erected. At La Place Pasteur (Place Mashteviatsh) were Native dancers accompanied by Eagle Wing Dancers and the Keepers of the Eastern Door performed daily. Also daily were ... read more ››

Mamoweewodow Minshtukch

The gathering at Fort George was held for the eighth consecutive year from July 27 to 31. The weather didn’t want to cooperate this year again as gusty winds and rainfalls were omnipresent. The events were delayed by one day as problems occurred with the barge operation, so Friday began with ... read more ››

Fort George Island: The way it was and maybe should have remained

I have always experienced a special feeling with people I have encountered living off an island. As theJamaican celebration for tourists song goes, “Come to my island, you never want to leave.” And Fort George, as it was called and still is on certain 3-D versions of the world globe, ... read more ››

An impossible dream

BACK IN 1980,1 had the privilege of joining a delegation representing the Algonquin people of Quebec at the hearings of an international tribunal on native rights in Netherlands. The First Bertrand Russell Tribunal was held at the International Court in La Hague, Netherlands and dealt with war crimes perpetrated by U.S. ... read more ››