Volume 2, Issue 16

ABCs of Cree politics: The Resolution

In Cree society today people have more power than they realize. Last September you might have remembered The Nation did an article entitled, “Your primer to Cree politics.” In it we discussed the various rights all Crees are entitled to and protected by. Now it’s time to learn how to use ... read more ››

After the 1990 Mohawk / Oka War – Our Struggle for Liberation Continues

Mohawk Nation, Kahnawake Territory It has been five years since the SQ attacked the Mohawk barricades at Kanehsatake on July 11, 1990, starting what became known as the Oka Crisis. An SQ officer died in the bungled assault. Mohawks marked the anniversary with a procession and other activities at the ... read more ››

Cree family values

It’s been hard for me these past weeks. Well, it has been hard for family and friends. My grandmother is in the hospital. She has cancer. Those of us who have been there find it very difficult My grandmother has been the backbone of the family. She is our strength ... read more ››

Don’t Ban Native fur, Europe told

European politicians should resist pressure from the animal rights people and leave Natives out of a ban on fur imports from Canada, says Deputy Grand Chief Kenny Blacksmith. Kenny was in Brussels in late May to discuss the proposed fur ban with members of the European Parliament. The ban is likely to ... read more ››

Elders’ councils will protect culture

The Elders of the Cree communities are deciding to get organized to help strengthen the Cree culture and provide advice to the Cree Nation. “The Elders are the foundation of the Cree culture, and they hold the key to the revival of the culture and need to get organized,” said Robbie ... read more ››

First female Inuk doctor

Danika Edmunds of Newfoundland is the first Inuk woman to earn a medical degree in Canada. “I wanted to do something where I was working with people and something that would benefit them. Medicine seemed to accomplish these things,” she said. Danika was joined at a graduation luncheon at the University ... read more ››

Gilles Proulx wants Oka II

Gilles Proulx, the popular host of CKAC Radio in Montreal, made the following commentary on the efforts of the Kahnawake Mohawk and Chateauguay chambers of commerce to let bygones be bygones. A handshake ceremony had been scheduled at the border of the two communities, but it had to be moved to ... read more ››

Native tourism forum

The Native tourism industry will hold its first-ever national forum in Calgary, Alberta this fall. The forum will include an industry trade show, visits to local First Nations tourist projects and seminars. Some issues: the creation of industry standards and a code of ethics, plus a national marketing campaign. Organizers expect over ... read more ››

On May 16, 1993, perhaps around 10:30 or 11:00 o’clock in the evening…

On May 16, 1993, perhaps around 10:30 or 11:00 o’clock in the evening, I had my one and last beer and I haven’t touched a drop since. I never realized that approximately two months later, the thing I quit would take the life of someone I loved very much. This tragic death took ... read more ››

Thank you message to all people in Chisasibi from Juliet and Clifford Bearskin.

This is something we had wanted to do after the goose-break and we thank the Creator who has made things possible for all of us; that things went well and that we are d together again in the community. At this time, we wish to express great gratitude to the people ... read more ››

The case of Mumia Abu-Jamal

Time is running out for Mumia Abu-Jamal, a black journalist in the U.S. whose supporters say he was falsely charged with murdering a police officer. Jamal’s case is an educational example of Euro-American justice. He is scheduled to be executed by lethal injection on August 17 after 13 years on death row. ... read more ››