Category: 2008-09-26

The Worth of a Modern Treaty: Though the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement was the first of its kind as a modern Aboriginal land claim agreement, a new study questions its effectiveness

The Institute for Research on Public Policy has just released a study, “Aboriginal Quality of Life under a Modern Treaty: Lessons from the Experience of the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee and the Inuit of Nunavik‚” suggesting that though life may have improved dramatically over the last 30 years for ... read more ››

The Prongs of Fighting Oppression: Robert Lovelace believes First Nations need to “look beyond the blockades” and work on strengthening quality of life for their people

Having served 103 days in jail for defying a court order for staging protests at a potential uranium mining site near Sharbot Lake, Ontario, college professor and retired Ardoch Algonquin Chief Robert Lovelace has no regrets about serving time but questions what his sentence has done for freedom of speech. Last ... read more ››

Bioprospectors head north for Arctic DNA.

For a long time, oil and gas were seen as the Arctic’s most valuable resource. But a new report shows that another resource has been discovered in the north; genetics. 43 companies are already either selling or developing products derived from the DNA found in Arctic plants and animals. David Leary, ... read more ››

Move over Indian Act: Marking the first-year anniversary of the United Nations adoption of the Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People, hundreds took to the Montreal streets to make their voices heard

On Saturday, September 13, people came from all over Quebec, Ontario, Hawaii, Ecuador, Chile and the States to walk alongside Montrealers as hundreds took to the streets in protest of the Canadian government’s refusal to adopt the UN’s Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People. At 2pm the crowds descended on ... read more ››

Moving on up!: As the Public Health Department of the Cree Health Board prepares to move their Montreal offices to Mistissini, a dream is realized but at the cost of many of the board’s employees

According to the Health Board’s Chairperson, Dianne Reid, when the board repatriated the public health department from the Montreal General Hospital, it did so with the vision in mind that the board itself would one day be a facility run from one of the communities. Along the way the decision to ... read more ››

Let them eat chips: Some people in Attawapiskat think a local diamond mine might be contaminating the surrounding waters with mercury and poisoning the fish

Last March, scientists from the Toronto-based environmental company Gartner Lee travelled to Attawapiskat, a small Ontario town at the mouth of the Attawapiskat River where it flows into the James Bay, and studied the condition of the water surrounding the community. On March 25, the company released a report stating that ... read more ››

Summer of Swarms: According to Police Commissioner Ashley Iserholf, youth violence isn’t just about the kids, it’s also about parents

Though the Cree Nation, like any other community, is not immune to violence, the nature of the violence, particularly that involving youth, has taken on a new face as youth-gang activity is on the rise and with it has come a rash of swarming attacks. In the dead of the summer, ... read more ››

Who let out the parents?

It’s hard growing up. It never stops and some days it doesn’t seem to get any easier as you go along. After the none-too-carefree days of childhood you gather more and more responsibilities. It starts with school and when that ends you must look for some way of making a ... read more ››

Taking care of business…

Making money, making business, making something for money and even selling money – it’s called business. As I speak, some diehard stockbrokers are probably nearing the window sill in preparation to jump out in some of the world’s worst trading sprees ever, where even a large multinational-billion dollar money trader ... read more ››

Wildlife Sanctuaries on Inuit Territory

August 22 was an important day for the Inuit people living in the surrounding areas of the Baffin Island. Canada’s Environment Minister John Baird and Nunavut Tunngavik Inc. Acting President, James Eetoolook, announced that three new National Wildlife Areas will be built on and around Baffin Island. The Inuit Impact and ... read more ››

How green is the party

Where do the five major Canadian political parties stand when it comes to the environment? I consider myself an environmentalist, but no matter how hard I try, I am at a complete loss on who to vote for in this federal election. I can tell you who I will not vote ... read more ››

Grubbing for Aboriginal votes: It’s election season again and with it comes an endless stream of promises for better lives for Aboriginals

It’s always funny how what seems most out of reach from the federal government prior to an election period can suddenly be dangled before the eyes of voters like a carrot on a string. Though most of the major parties have not unveiled their full election platforms as of yet, ... read more ››