Volume 12, Issue 18

CESO Appoints Its First Aboriginal Vice President

The Canadian Executive Service Organization (CESO), the organization that aids small- and medium-sized businesses by providing financial expertise at little or no cost, has appointed its first Aboriginal Vice President for National Services. Robert (Bob) Dickson, a member of Lac Seul First Nation and a graduate of Wilfrid Laurier University, joined ... read more ››

Former AFN Leader Guilty of Hate Speech

David Ahenakew, the outspoken former leader of the Assembly of First Nations, has been found guilty of promoting hatred after anti-Semitic comments landed him in hot water recently. Ahenakew, 71, was fined $ 1,000 July 7 and proceeded to berate the justice system. “First Nations people have never received a fair ... read more ››

Grand Council Negotiating Constitution With Ottawa

The Grand Council of the Crees is getting ready to assume control of their own destiny and create a constitution under which all Crees would live – and at the same time work towards a new relationship with the Canadian government that will see Ottawa deliver on past obligations under ... read more ››

Hydro Looks To Wind For Future Power

Hydro-Québec’s future energy focus is literally blowing in the wind. And the new policy could be a win-win situation for the Cree. Premier Jean Charest and Hydro President Thierry Vandel announced June 29 that Quebec is poised to become a world leader in the production of wind power. “If you want to ... read more ››

Innu Lose Forestry Injunction Appeal

The Innu of Betsiamites are in a sombre mood after being granted a court injunction a month ago barring Kruger Inc. from further logging on Île René Levasseur – only to lose an appeal that can be chalked up to Mother Nature’s wrath. Quebec Court of Appeal Justice André Rochon handed ... read more ››

Kahnawake Powwow’s 15-year Anniversary

It has been 15 years since Kahnawake Mohawks held their first Powwow and judging by this year’s turnout, the show only gets better with age. Year after year the spectacle – which was created to help heal the scars of the Oka crisis – seems to get bigger and better. That ... read more ››

Mercredi Begins Political Comeback

Ovide Mercredi is on the political comeback trail after being elected Chief of the Grand Rapids First Nation in Manitoba. Mercredi has been in the political spotlight for years. From 1991 to 1997 he served two terms as National Chief of the Assembly of First Nations. He then supported Matthew Coon ... read more ››

Ramada: Where the Towels Are Worth More Than the Customers

It’s six in the morning and I am in Ottawa with insomnia. I am staying at the Ramada Plaza hotel located across from the casino in Hull. The room is nice enough, but the attitude and treatment I received upon checking in left much to be desired. It led to ... read more ››

RCMP Targets Native Youth Program

A program aimed at providing Aboriginal youth with traditional hunting and fishing skills was abruptly put to a halt by the RCMP’s INSET (Integrated National Security Enforcement Team) in British Columbia June 27. That’s when three members of the training program were arrested after purchasing hunting equipment bound for Tsawataineuk First ... read more ››


I thought May was bad for heat, reaching 28 Celsius, until the other day, I felt like I was blow-dried on high when I went for a so-called cool ride in the breeze. The wind, imported directly from the Arizona desert, tortured my now blistered red skin with constant burning ... read more ››

Trouble in Paradise

I have always had a hard time shopping. Most of my people from up the coast are like me when it comes to going to the mall or to large department stores to make a purchase. There is always a certain amount of fear when I walk into a modern ... read more ››