Volume 9, Issue 4

A Better Way to Keep Your New Year’s Resolutions

Does this scenario sound familiar? New Year’s coming! Like many of us, you examine your life, find things are less than ideal, and begin dreaming of a better future. You make a New Years’ resolution to lose weight, get back into shape by exercising regularly and eating healthy. You’re excited ... read more ››

Celebrating the Holidays With a Bang

The holiday season is an exciting time in remote Native communities up the James Bay coast. This period is anticipated and celebrated in the same way as most southern non-Native communities but with just a few differences. The day leading up to Christmas Day or New Year’s Day was always a ... read more ››

Leaders et al

I looked into the shiny new gymnasium floor at the yet to be named Sand Park High, in 1971. “How old do you have to be? I’m 12 years old. I’ll be 13 next year, and can I join the Leaders Corps?” I questioned John Delaney. “What grade are you in?” ... read more ››

The Doq’s Ear – Final Yarn

“This is a story that will make you believe in God.” A tall order, to be sure, and a risky pivot to hinge a novel on. God, after all, isn’t usually a selling point for stories for big-city readers. But it worked. Maybe it’s because Life of Pi, the third ... read more ››

The Nation and CSB Essay Contest

Overall Winner The importance of Education I am very grateful to have been raised by a stern and loving father. I have much to thank God for. If it weren’t for my father, I would not be where I am or what I am today. I honestly believe that he did a ... read more ››

Waskaganish Hockey Chronicle – White Winter Halloween Week

The White Winter Season has been around in the Bay James territories since Halloween week. Does that mean we’ll have a longer or shorter winter if we consider that the cycle of season has been changing in the last years. If that means hockey season will last longer, kids will ... read more ››

Xmas Stand-off

Kuujuaq-On Friday January 3rd, a 20-year-old man with a medical history of mental illness, spurned on by an insult from an unidentified local, triggered a 20-hour standoff with Kativik Regional Police. Fortunately, the standoff ended on Saturday, January 4th, 2003, with no fatalities, although one local man, Taamusi Sivuaraapik received non-life ... read more ››