Volume 6, Issue 2

$1.7-Billion Residential School Lawsuit

Lawyer Russell Rakes is spearheading what is being called the first-ever class-action suit against a residential school. The class-action suit is demanding $1.7 billion to compensate all the First Nations children who attended the Mohawk Residential School in Branford. Ont., between 1834 and 1970. The suit says the children were physically, ... read more ››

Eeyou Government

To: Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) Subject: Cree Eeyou Government Task Force Dear Matthew, I have a strong feeling that our leaders are beginning to get manipulated by continuing to define our rights in the non-Native justice system, that is totally against all principles of our ... read more ››


The airplane has a special mystique in remote First Nations communities up the James Bay coast. Daily flights into isolated communities like Attawapiskat are a major part of the goings-on in everyone’s day. Our lives to a great degree depend on and revolve around the take-offs and landings of these ... read more ››

Head Start a no-start for First Nations

It sounded like a good idea at the time. The federal government would put $15 million into a Head Start program for First Nations reserves across Canada. Head Start is a pre-school program created in the U.S. to give disadvantaged inner-city kids under 6 a helping hand. They learn how to ... read more ››


I wanted to write an article about an issue that I constantly hear about. A question that is constantly being brought up is: Do First Nations benefit from white-dominated social systems? European practices and institutions are of questionable use and effectiveness for Aboriginal people. How can we as Aboriginal people ... read more ››

Hockey is a tradition in Croe territory

Midget AAA weekend in Chisasibi a total success!! All activities planned during the weekend of Nov. 28 & 29 in Chisasibi were not only successful but also very appreciated by all guests (80 of them). As they concluded, someone said: “We heard about Cree hospitality, but it went beyond our expectations.” Although ... read more ››


I was about five years old when I actually saw these great magnificent rapids named “Uchimaau Paaushtikuu,” but for many years I never knew its location. Throughout my life I never saw these rapids again with my own eyes, but only in memory would I often see them again. In ... read more ››

Indian Red

In the Oscar-winning film, Forrest Gump’s mother said life was like a box of chocolates – a package of delights offering a never-ending series of surprises. But for North American Indians, life is more like a box of crayons, a container in which there’s a predictable slot for each and every ... read more ››

Local son to Judge Junos

Nemaska’s own Bertie Wapachee has been chosen to serve as a juror in the 28th annual Juno awards, which will be held March 7 in Hamilton and broadcast live on CBC TV. Bertie will be judging the Best Music of Aboriginal Canada Recording category.

NWT premier slammed for conflict-of-interest

NWT Premier Don Morin has been slammed by his own conflict-of-interest commissioner for grave violations of the law and sullying the reputation of the office of the premier, according to a report in Nunatsiaq News. The commissioner, Anne Crawford, recommended that the premier lose his seat for wilfully and deliberately failing ... read more ››

Rez notesF

You know how people always complain about how expensive Christmas can be? It doesn’t have be that way. Christmas was meant to be joyful and merry. Here are some gift ideas for the financially challenged. Lottery tickets are a great idea and cost virtually nothing. If you buy 20 of them ... read more ››

Secret Military Unit Spied on Natives

A special unit of Canada’s military spied on Native protesters and soldiers, and installed secret video cameras to monitor Defence Department employees suspected of theft even though it didn’t have warrants to do so. Files obtained by The Ottawa Citizen through access-to-information legislation show the special operations branch of the Canadian ... read more ››

Should they stay or should they go now?

The Quebec government is taking new steps to plant Radisson firmly in Iyiyuuschii. From Natural Resources Minister Guy Chevrette comes a press release announcing new measures to promote development in James Bay. Among the measures: “recognize the strategic importance of Radisson in the development of Northern Quebec.” Shirley Bishop, the minister’s spokeswoman, explained ... read more ››

Two girls lose lives in snowmobile accident

Tragedy struck in Lac Simon on November 17 when two Cree girls lost their lives in a snowmobile accident. The incident occurred after dark at around 6:40 p.m., as a young local man took the girls and the little brother of one of the girls on a ride after one of ... read more ››

Val d’Or Hockey and Broomball Tournament

The annual val d’or hockey-slash-broomball tournament has always been about the thrill of victory and barhopping and the agony of defeat and hangovers. That’s been less so for the past few years – ever since they stopped serving drinks in the snack bar above the ice. We asked some people ... read more ››

What are the Stars?

To you out there, did you ever as a young child wonder, when you look up at the sky at night and you saw all these stars up there, did you ever wonder what these lights were? For myself I can say I used to look up at the stars ... read more ››

What it’s all about

This Christmas I decided to let a story do the talking for me. You do not even have to be a Christian to understand the concepts of giving and sharing. Merry X-mas to everyone out there and have a safe happy holiday. Accept our best wishes for a great New ... read more ››

Why I don’t go to school in Mistissini

This story is about why I don’t go to school in my hometown of Mistissini. I am now 14 years old, and in Secondary 3. I go to school in Ouje-Bougoumou. I used to go to school in Mistissini, but it was too rough for me. There, I cried almost ... read more ››