Category: 2011 04 08

Hour time

Looking back, to late 1995, it might not have been the best moment to take a job as news editor at the Montreal alternative newsweekly, Hour. It was a week after the referendum on sovereignty, and the small but feisty gang of anglo writers and editors at Hour were feeling ... read more ››

Cree runs for the NDP in May election

In a historic move, the Grand Council’s Romeo Saganash has thrown his name in the ring as a New Democratic Party candidate for the Abitibi-Baie-James-Nunavik-Eeyou riding. According to the Montreal Gazette, while Saganash recognizes that it will be a huge challenge for him to venture into a new political arena, but ... read more ››

CWEIA on standby without funding

According to Holly Danyluk, the regional coordinator of the Cree Women of Eeyou Istchee Association, the Cree Regional Authority has officially cut out funding for the CWEIA. The women’s organization had been receiving funding from the Alfred Loon’s Regional Development fund, however as Loon’s funding was cut, he was unable ... read more ››

Shelter fundraiser a smashing success

Nakuset, executive director of the Native Women’s Shelter of Montreal (NWSM), is thrilled to announce that their March 20 fundraiser at Montreal’s Nouveau Palais went off without a hitch and brought in between $11,000 and $13,000. The evening featured a dinner comprised of Aboriginal traditional cuisine from Quebec’s various First Nations ... read more ››

The world is getting crazy

My Kookum or Grandmother, Louise Paulmartin, often told me when I was young that “the world was getting crazy”. She reserved that comment mainly for when some news from the southern non-Native world would reach us about a calamity or crisis like a war, a terrible flood or if she ... read more ››

The art of calls

Calling game, whatever it may be – ducks, geese, deer, moose, turkeys, crows, predators – can be done simply by using your mouth, hand and a little practice. But as anyone who has hunted knows, if you go au naturel your vocal chords might be a tad rough after the ... read more ››

The diabetic elephant in the room

The Cree Board of Health and Social Services of James Bay (CBHSSJB) once again crunched the numbers on how many Crees have succumbed to diabetes in the past decade and, like in all previous studies, the numbers have increased. “It wasn’t very different from the last one. The message hasn’t really ... read more ››

A new place to lay your head

It’s been a long time coming! What was once an idea tossed around between CREECO’s major players – Jack Blacksmith, Rodney Hester and the late Albert W. Diamond – has now become a reality. The Crees finally have their own hotel in Val-d’Or and business is already booming. The Crees of ... read more ››

Recognizing the best

Chibougamau hosted 150 people for the Regional Quebec 2011 Tourism Awards Gala on March 10. Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come was on hand to congratulate the winners. Also attending were Oujé-Bougoumou Chief Louise Wapachee and Mistissini Deputy Chief John S. Matoush, Ungava MNA Luc Ferland, Lebel-sur-Quévillon Mayor Gérald Lemoyne (also ... read more ››

A rite of spring

I turn 50 this year and this is a celebration for me so I understand the people from Salon Expert Chasse, Pêche et Camping (the Hunting, Fishing and Camping Show). After all it was 50 years ago Father Marcel de la Sablonnière founded the Salon Camping et Famille, which has ... read more ››

Solidarity against racism

In its 11th edition, the city of Val-d’Or was once again host to five days of activities devoted to anti-racism awareness and learning. The Val-d’Or Native Friendship Centre (VDFNC)’s vice president Janet Mark, who also works at the Cégep de l’Abitibi-Témiscamingue First Nations Pavilion, said the week was jam-packed with activities ... read more ››

And the winner is…

The past several weeks have been a rollercoaster ride for the CerAmony boys. Matthew Iserhoff and Pakesso Mukash returned to Montreal from a recent visit to Toronto with a shiny new possession in their hands – a Juno statue for Best Aboriginal Recording of the Year. Relaxing at home after a ... read more ››

The outdoorsy type

The flock of geese flew by, quietly checking out the James Bay sun-cured cedar driftwood and black-spruce decoys spread out over the shallow pond, the reflections of the clouds clearly outlined in the mirror-like waters. The head goose turned back after a single call from the hunter crouched and well-hidden ... read more ››

Election 2011

We need a better reality show! Recently the minority government headed by Prime Minister Steven Harper announced an election for all Canadians because of the Unholy Trinity of the Opposition. At least this is the message coming our way via the Conservative Party spin doctors. It is fear mongering at its ... read more ››