Sacred laughs: Native comic Don Burnstick heals with humour

To Don Burnstick, laughter is a sacred act and he’s been helping people with this medicine for the past 20 years. For a comedian, Burnstick has followed an unconventional path to stardom. He didn’t work the bar or club circuit like so many comedians do. When he started out, his ... read more ››

Eastmain honours its partners at annual golf tourney

Chief Edward Gilpin said Eastmain “wanted to show its appreciation to people who contributed, through the years, to the development of the community.” It did so by inviting people to Mont-Tremblant for a round of golf and a gala on September 12. The sombre clouds and rain early in the day ... read more ››

Nishiyuu’s epic journey: Kitigan Zibi

  photo by Ernest Webb VIEW IMAGE GALLERY I joined the Journey of Nishiyuu in Kitigan Zibi, the Algonquin community near to Maniwaki, Quebec, on March 21. I made my way to the community centre, where most of the walkers were being served breakfast. What struck me about the walkers as I entered the ... read more ››

Nishiyuu’s epic journey

Hundreds of determined youth walkers make history and spread a message   photo by Ernest Webb As an eagle soared overhead, the Nishiyuu walkers took their final steps to Parliament Hill on March 25. Emotions finally caught up to the young men who embarked on this epic walk from Whapmagoostui to Ottawa. They ... read more ››

Recognizing our own

  Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come, President of the Cree Nation Achievement Awards Foundation, remarked that the Cree Nation Achievement Awards Gala was “an historical evening to recognize those who’ve contributed to the communities”. The gathering on August 30 wanted to recognize those who made their mark on the Cree Nation. In ... read more ››

Re-connecting with the spiritual past

“Sam Masty, speaking in 1974 at Great Whale River, said Walton was the ‘first man to tell people to put away the things they believed; the first to change many people.’ Masty explained that the people lost the supernatural powers ‘when they heard about Jesus Christ from the missionaries…. The ... read more ››

The James Bay Agreement:

It was 35 years ago that a young Chief would help shape the destiny of the Cree Nation. Robert Kanatewat, Chief of Fort George, was one of the signatories to the 1975 James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement. On the eve of the 35th anniversary, I sat down with him ... read more ››

5 for Five

It’s that time of the year again. Halloween decorations have long been put away. The snow has replaced the rains and the lights have come on and the ornaments dusted off. I asked five people about their favourites for the holiday season. Edna Neeposh has maybe one of the busiest ... read more ››

Honouring Tommy

As the children played off to the side and the wife of the late Tommy Neeposh, Kitty, looked on, the Neeposh family of Mistissini were gathered by the transfer tunnel to inaugurate the Tommy Neeposh Scenic Lookout near the Rupert dam. On October 8, under a cloudy sky, a crowd of ... read more ››