Volume 14, Issue 14


As this issue of the Nation reaches the Cree communities in the North, many schools will have already held their graduation ceremonies. I would like to add my heartfelt salute to a job well done by all our graduates. It has been a tough journey. Some parents might disagree, arguing it ... read more ››

CN launches legal attack on Mohawk activists

Canadian National Railway has launched a lawsuit against Mohawk protesters who blocked a major Ontario rail corridor for 30 hours last month, disrupting freight and passenger traffic. The land dispute protest near Deseronto that began in the early hours of April 20 delayed transports of freight worth $ 100 million between ... read more ››

Foster home sought: Quiet and good-natured 13-year-old Amy

Quiet and good-natured 13-year-old Amy, of Cree and Caucasian heritage, interacts well with the adults in her life, and is very nurturing towards younger children. She does not like school, however, and this is evident in her grades. Amy needs to be encouraged so as not to be late for ... read more ››

Goose break 2007 finds greatly varied conditions across Eeyou Istchee

Ahhh the goose hunt! For some it’s the best time of the year, when families and friends travel together to the camps, hunker down behind the blinds and get ready for some old-fashioned hunting. Some enjoy the simple thrill of the hunt, for others it’s a time to immerse themselves ... read more ››

Goose hunt tragedy claims Mistissini man

Sadly, some will remember the 2007 goose hunt for a tragic accident that claimed the life of Mistissini resident Walter Gunner, 43, when he fell through the ice on Lac Albanel May 1. According to Mistissini Police Director Bradley Mianscum, Gunner and his wife, Margaret Blacksmith Gunner, were travelling to their ... read more ››

High-tech Native ID to stem fraud, says INAC

Canadian government officials are looking for a way to manufacture a new Native identity card to stem the rampant fraud non-natives commit when they use illegal cards to access benefits like health care and tax-free purchases usually reserved for status First Nations. Fraud and misuse of Indian status cards have been ... read more ››

Our goose is cooked (and roasted, boiled, smoked, dried or fried)

The secondary eyelids blinked repeatedly over her avian eyes, nearly popping out from the pressure I applied to the ribcage to force the air out of the lungs until the bird’s life was gasped out in a final breathe of air and the eyelids flickered no more, glazed over in ... read more ››

Quebec National Aboriginal Strikes Gold at National Hockey Championships – Cree players dominate in display of skill and power

Cree Youth participating with Team Eastern Door and North made history May 5 in Prince Albert, Saskatchewan, when they defeated Team Manitoba in overtime in the final match of the National Aboriginal Hockey Championships. The win is their first championship at the six-year-old event. This year’s team was a younger, more ... read more ››

Reaching for the sun – Cirque de Soleil pushes the envelope spectacular Kooza

If one could write the dictionary definition of Kooza, “awe-inspiring, death defying, fun” would accurately capture the essence of Cirque du Soleil’s latest show. Currently showing at the Old Port of Montreal until June 24, the Quebec troupe’s newest performance goes back to the basics – with a twist. The exploration of ... read more ››

Surf your way to fitness

Totalcoaching.ca is a great way to energize those of you who want to work out, but have no one to go over a program with you because you live in a town that doesn’t offer those services. Elite track and field athlete David Gill, an Innu from Mashteuiatsh, started the program ... read more ››

The Cree quest for the perfect body

The strongest and fastest individuals have always stood out in our Cree culture. After all, back when we were a nomadic people, the strongest survived through cold winters and lean summers. Life out on the land meant you had to have some strength in order to hunt, trap, fish, travel ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

Learning the basics is important step for young adults as they begin cooking. Even the best cooks sometimes have to get back to their roots. Many of the recipes in this Will on the Grill are the basics. They’re recipes I learned from the many cooks in my life, from ... read more ››