Volume 8, Issue 23

A Very Fishy Story

We are going fishing and don’t even have hooks, reels, rods, tackle boxes, lures, leaders, rain coats, rain pants, boots, experience and most importantly, a boat. But we are still determined to wine, dine and entertain our friends with a giant lake trout upon our return. We shared an early cab ... read more ››

Algonquins Occupy Island

About 50 or so of the Algonquins of Barriere Lake have occupied Victoria Island, near Canada’s Parliament buildings. A village has been erected and can easily be seen, a fact that the Algonquins are hoping will embarrass Ottawa into meeting with them to discuss their concerns. The Algonquins, from Northern ... read more ››

An Innocence Lost

These past few weeks literally made us stop and reflect; about our families, about our friends, about our enemies, about the children of the world. I don’t know about you but all I could hear when that tragic event took place was the distant sound of a child crying. The ... read more ››

Editorialists Frothing at the Mouth as they Denounce the Anti-racist Conference, and Matthew Coon Come

From one side of Canada to the other, that happy band of brothers, the editorial writers, are joined in condemning the anti-racism conference in Durban as “absurd”, “phony”, or “hypocritical”. A typical comment is from the Colonist in Victoria, B.C.: “Talk about a nightmare: a conference of racists and xenophobes set ... read more ››

Fallout From The Attack On America

I was booked on a flight from Montreal to Edmonton on the Friday following the terrorist attacks. Having followed the troubling events on television for three days straight, I was less than eager to head to an airport, much less get on a plane. Dorval airport was like a ghost ... read more ››

How I Came to be a Master Baker!

First of all, I wish to apologize to my growing fans for the evil caricature instead of the world famous Rez Notes that ordinary people have grown to love or hate in the last issue. I would like to attribute this loss to the ever-growing dependency we have on technology ... read more ››

In the Swing of Things

When I was growing up in Attawapiskat, I never had access to a wide variety of sports. Like most northern communities, hockey was the prominent sport that everyone took part in. During the winter just about every youngster in the community played hockey at the local outdoor ice rink. Even in ... read more ››

Kitsaki Meats Wins

From the Canadian backwoods of La Ronge, Saskatchewan, Kitsaki Meats has built a reputation for success around the world as a leading producer and exporter of superior meat products. They were one of ten companies who won at the Canada Export Awards, which recognizes outstanding companies who export outside of ... read more ››

RAM Page: Europa Universalis, Windows 98

Europa Universalis By Strategy First The boys coming by immediately said “Old School” upon seeing the screen. These, of course, are the hopped-up, strung-out and overly stimulated MTV Gen types. “If it don’t grab me in five seconds, it’s not worth it,” says one. The same one who’ll spend all night drinking ... read more ››

Saskatoon Police Found Guilty of Unlawful Confinement

In a case that has drawn attention to racial tensions in Saskatchewan, an all-white jury found two police officers guilty of abandoning a Native man on the outskirts of town in freezing conditions. Saskatoon officers Dan Hatchen and Ken Munson had been charged with assault and unlawful confinement by the Canadian ... read more ››

Shots Fired at Burnt Church

Earlier fears of the threat of violence over the lobster fishing dispute in Burnt church have become a reality. The situation has escalated in dramatic fashion as shots were fired during a night raid by non-Native fishermen. The raid, which was staged on Sunday, September 16th, involved some 55 non-Native ... read more ››

The Arrow Strikes Gold

The Arrow is still on target. With the results for the 2001 downhill mountain bike season all tabulated it would appear that Kwanah Sioui Moar (featured on the cover of The Nation, Aug.24, 2001) is still true to form. The young Cree-Huron competitor from Wendake, Quebec, took top honours in ... read more ››

The Secret Sex Lives of Moose

A recent Reuters news story out of Whitehorse tells of a hunter who found himself on the horns of a dilemma. The horns actually belonged to a moose shot by the hunter in the Yukon Territory and this is where the tale gets interesting. One would normally expect such a ... read more ››