Volume 7, Issue 13

A Suicide in Kuujjuak

In some ways Jackie was a typical teenager in Kuujjuak. She was smart and a natural leader. Younger kids saw her as a role model. But she was also very withdrawn and her head swam with troubled thoughts. In 1998, Jackie (not her real name) was admitted to the group home ... read more ››

Calling all Crees

The Cree Diabetes Network is asking all Crees to take part in the annual Sadie’s Walk this June 19 to promote solidarity with people who have diabetes. This year, the walk will also honour the memory of Mavis Verronneau, a health worker who did much to educate Crees about the illness. Community ... read more ››

Gay Marriage: Coming to a Home Near U?

The day may not be far off when a Cree man can live with a non-Cree man in a common-law marriage in Iyiyuuschii without the band council’s consent. That would be the impact of Bill C-23, Ottawa’s legislation on same-sex benefits. The bill has been adopted by Parliament and is awaiting ... read more ››

Gun Accident Claims Toddler’s Life

A five-year-old Cree girl shot and killed a two-year-old Cree boy with a gun in a terrible accident north of the LG-3 reservoir. The incident occurred on April 27, around 7:30 p.m. Two adult Crees had just returned from goose hunting and went into a cabin to get some supplies, leaving ... read more ››

Hospital Director Blasts System

Every time another Inuk commits suicide in Nunavik, Eli Weetaluktuk feels guilty. As executive director of the hospital in Puvirnituq, Weetaluktuk believes the health care system that he helps run is failing his people. The Inuit of Quebec have one of the highest suicide rates in the world, and the health ... read more ››

Hunter: A Survivor

My story is typical. I am a residential school survivor of St. Anne’s school of Fort Albany in Ontario. I am what I call myself as the tail-end of the residential school era. I remember leaving Winisk in the fall and going across the river (the airport side) and the ... read more ››

Mother’s Day, The History of…

The earliest Mother’s Day celebrations can be traced back to the spring celebrations of ancient Greece in honor of Rhea, the Mother of the Gods. During the 1600’s, England celebrated a day called “Mothering Sunday.” Celebrated on the 4th Sunday of Lent (the 40 day period leading up to Easter), ... read more ››

Now First Nations Leaders Can Restore First Nation Citizens and the Public’s Confidence in Governance

A few weeks ago in my home community of Peguis First Nation Manitoba, I got up to speak at a public meeting that was attended by Premier Gary Doer and the Minister of Northern Affairs. There were about 250 band members present. Concerned citizens of Peguis had met the previous ... read more ››

School Board Holds First General Election

The Cree School Board is holding its first ever nation-wide election for the job of chairperson on June 1. Nominations opened on April 19 and closed May 16. Advance polls will be held May 25. The winning candidate must get over 50 percent of the votes cast. If no one gets ... read more ››


Here it is… our long awaited follow-up to Between Friends. This time around we’re bringing you stuff that really matters – to women! We rule. We rock. Let’s hear it for the girls. We had to do a lot of soul searching, inner questioning, basically, a lot of talk, to find ... read more ››