Volume 6, Issue 5b

100 miles of health

Congratulations to the walkers in Waskaganish who just celebrated the conclusion of the 100 Mile Challenge with a feast and awards banquet. The challenge put forth was for teams of two or more to walk 100 miles or more over a 100-day period this past summer. This contest was designed to encourage ... read more ››

A cry from the wilderness

I wonder sometimes if anyone has given serious thought to the potential good and the potential harm our actions or inactions have on persons touched by such an effect. Many people by their own motivations have smiled at others, and spoken kind words and greetings to them. Sometimes they were people they ... read more ››

Baptism by Ice

Caribou Hunting with Mandow Agency Photos by Neil Diamond After hearing stories about the caribou hunt we felt we had to try it out first-hand and planned a totally Cree experience. We would fly in using Air Creebec, Chisasibi’s Mandow Agency would supply the guides and camp, and finally if we were ... read more ››


How does one start an editorial? It is a question that I deal with every issue of The Nation. There is always something to say, but what is important to say? This week I am going to break one of our rules for this editorial. The rule is simple; we ... read more ››

Chief could face two-week jail term

Waswanipi Chief John Kitchen could be facing a 14-day prison term over a drinking-and-driving charge laid against him just before New Year’s Day, according to a Crown prosecutor in Val d’Or. Kitchen was charged after a long provincial police investigation into an alleged August 3 incident in which his vehicle, a ... read more ››

Grand Chief Slams Canada’s Policies

Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come launched a strong attack on Canada’s treatment of the First Nations at a Carleton University conference on December 10. The grand chief was invited to speak about the problem of Quebec separation. Instead, he used his half-hour speech to slam the federal government for refusing to ... read more ››

In the spirit of giving

Kevin Hall, at 25 years of age, with a young wife and a 16-month-old daughter, should have the world by the tail. The sad fact is that this vibrant and fearless young Native man is in the fight of his life with cancer. In June of 1998 Kevin and his family ... read more ››

Tragedy claims young trapper’s life

Tragedy struck in Waskaganish on January 11 when a young local trapper was found frozen to death just two days before he and his family were scheduled to go to their trapline. William Whiskeychan, 25, was seen drinking in various places in the community the night before. According to George Katapatuk, of ... read more ››


A Waskaganish police officer is under investigation for allegedly assaulting a local resident. Christopher Stephen claims an off-duty local officer, Brian Hester, punched him in the face and kicked him in the leg outside the band office on January 14 or 15. Stephen says he had his injuries checked out at the ... read more ››

We were going to do it the hard way.

We were going to do it the hard way. We were going to massacre a herd of caribou the way our forefathers used to do it, the traditional way, or as traditional as you can get in 20th century Creeland. There we were, four city slickers on the kangaroo express through ... read more ››