Category: 2014 06 27

Male role models break new ground in early childcare program

Faith-Lynn Ottereyes-Trapper with Delmer Hughboy It’s rare that men will teach young children at daycare centres and schools across the province. Many reasons are behind this, particularly that women are more likely to go into the field of education. There is also society’s entrenched view of women as a nurturer that is ... read more ››

How to optimize your pregnancy for you and your baby

Whether it is a shock or a happy surprise, finding out that you are pregnant is a life-changing event, even when it is not your first baby. From that moment on, habits good or bad have to change. But those changes don’t have to be difficult just so long as you ... read more ››

Montreal’s Aboriginal festival overcomes threat of funding cut

Place des Festivals (photo Andreanne Lemire) Much like the many Quebec Native communities it represents to the world, Présence Autochtone, Montreal’s First Peoples’ Festival, has seen its fair share of struggles. And yet, this remarkable showcase of Indigenous arts of all kinds has managed to weather the storm once again to ... read more ››

Strateco announces it will close Matoush project camp

BAPE hearings in May The project may not be finished, but the camp is closing. As debate about Strateco Resources’ Matoush uranium project is taken up by the hearings of the Bureau de l’Audiences Publique sur l’Environnement (BAPE), Strateco announced June 12 that it is closing the Matoush camp and selling ... read more ››

Stan Louttit, 1950-2014

After fighting cancer for two years, Mushkegowuk Grand Chief Stan J. Louttit has succumbed to the disease at 64 years old. He leaves behind his wife, Sharon, four daughters and nine grandchildren. According to Mushkegowuk Deputy Grand Chief Leo Friday, Louttit’s passing came as a shock to his coworkers. While it ... read more ››

Chisasibi woman overcomes brain tumour to complete PhD studies

You would never know it to look at her now but not even a year ago Sarah Pash was so debilitated by a brain tumour that she couldn’t manage to get through her workday. Now on the other end of her journey, the 42-year-old mother of four has just graduated from ... read more ››