Category: 2012 01 11 2012

Trapping Beaver in the Winter

Told by Elsie Duff, Chisasibi Translated and transcribed by Brian Webb As far as you can remember, did your family move camp almost every day during the winter? Sometimes we did. During autumn, we settled down to wait for winter to set in. When the days grew longer after Christmas, this was when people ... read more ››

Losing my BFF to suicide

My best friend wasn’t just my BFF; she was my family by blood, my favourite cousin. We were close, close enough to tell secrets. Lea was the type of girl who loved to have fun without worrying about what other people thought of her. She loved to take long walks with ... read more ››

Voices from around the Sacred Fire

At Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence’s camp on Ottawa’s Victoria Island, the Sacred Fire is at all times surrounded by helpers and people from many Nations who’ve come to pay their respects. Some stop and quietly make prayers; others hang around telling stories, laughing, or having serious discussions. I returned on ... read more ››

The movement sweeps north

As the voices of Canada’s Indigenous peoples have grown louder since Attawapiskat Chief Theresa Spence began her hunger strike December 11 in opposition to Bill C-45 and other federal government attacks on First Nations, the “Idle No More” movement has rippled across Canada and beyond. Now people in Val d’Or ... read more ››

Losing resolutions

I’ve been slaving over hot cooked turkey and slobbering over luscious cakes lately and somehow I still managed to lose a few ounces of the fat I have painstakingly gained over the last two decades. I think I lost it during the heavy sweating that happens when you bend over ... read more ››

Building a legacy on a foundation of humanity

I know many of you might expect me to use this space to attack National Post columnist Christie Blatchford for her December 27 piece as full of bull… err horseshit (she’s the one who fertilized her prose with “horse manure,” after all). But, really, despite her ill-informed assertions and tortured ... read more ››