ARTICLES BY Boyce Richardson

Crees open “Quebec embassy”

It is amusing – in some circumstances one might call it slightly alarming – to observe how effortlessly the leaders of the Cree Nation, as the eight Cree villages in Quebec now style themselves, have switched their policy towards the nationalist claims of the province of Quebec. In the 1990s, the ... read more ››

2010 Assimilation alive and well

Here’s a statement about relations between the Canadian governments and the Indigenous people, with which I wholeheartedly agree. It comes from a group called Defenders of the Land, who encourage and organize First Nations to base their policies on Aboriginal rights. Canada’s Indian policy in 2010 This year, the Canadian government has ... read more ››

Every political opinion should be represented in Parliament

A recent flurry of concern in the media about the irrelevance for most Canadians of what happens in Parliament has brought the only possible response from Ed Broadbent, former leader of the NDP. He pointed out that most Canadian voters have been disenfranchised by the workings of our antiquated and undemocratic ... read more ››

Return to New Zealand

The visit made by my son Thom and me to New Zealand in May coincided with a visit to Australia by Cree filmmaker Neil Diamond, who has just directed a full-length documentary called Reel Injun, about the way Hollywood has treated Indians historically. Neil is a close friend of my son, ... read more ››

Doctorate for Philip Awashish

I can’t think of a single Indigenous person in Canada who more deserves the accolade of an honourary doctorate bestowed on him by McMaster University than Philip Awashish. It has always amazed me that he has never been honoured by the Aboriginal Awards program, because without any doubt he has been ... read more ››

Nisga’a matriarch fearful of Indigenous people’s disappearance

Nisga’a matriarch Mercy Thomas, also known as Nisibilada, has issued a remarkable statement warning against the sale of Nisga’a lands, held in fee simple ownership under provisions of the Nisga’a treaty. This idea of putting Aboriginal lands into a status which will enable them to be bought and sold freely on ... read more ››