Where is Neil Diamond? Oh where can he be?

I was possessed by this tiny voice that told me that I should give ndiamon a break and write rez notes. Yes, what else could it be but some form of a paranormal experience. Neil is presently being worked to the bone. The company is presently exploiting every ounce of his creative and physical body. I felt sorry for him and thought that he deserved a break. (Really, I didn’t want to sidetrack him by having him write the column, as we want to drive him ’til he drops on this other project that he’s working on.) To relieve him of the last minute panic to submit the column, I made sure that he was informed that someone would be writing it. I’m not sure what he thinks about this. I started thinking about what to write about a week ago and planned to write it well in advance. But, one night I was brain dead and so put it off. Another day passed and things happened. Finally, yesterday was to be the day and everything wrong that could have happened, happened. So, here I am at the last minute scrambling to be somewhat entertaining and as witty as the creator of this column. I am writing about writing rez notes. Hmmmm. A favourite topic of someone that I know. I still feel possessed. When will it end. My guess – is sometime late next month. I promise you all to never ever do this again! Neil will return next time. I promise. And I will return to my normal self and rez notes will be back on track. This is our way of getting you to appreciate the regular column.

In my research, I found the very first rez notes in Volume 2, No. 21,

October 6, 1995. That’s almost 5 years ago. Praise to Neil Diamond. Now I know what you’ve been going through all this time.

Gossip – Heard so much juicy stuff this week but can’t share it as would lose job and maybe paper would even get sued. Too bad I say. It’s soooo good. (Gossip is great) Neil Diamond would strangle me. Maybe just a hint. Someone in Chisasibi is having an affair with someone in Montreal and too many people know about it. Ancient Toltec teachings (from thousands of years ago in Mexico) say that gossiping is the way we communicate to each other in the dream of hell and transfer poison to one another. Because we are afraid to ask for clarification we make assumptions and believe we are right about the assumptions; then we defend our assumptions and try to make everyone else wrong. It is always better to ask questions than to make assumptions, because assumptions set you up for suffering. (Don Miguel Ruiz; The Four Agreements, A Toltec Wisdom Book, Amber-Alien Publishing, California, 1997)