Volume 17, Issue 9

Anishinabek Leaders Accuse Feds of Lying over Harmonized Tax

Leaders of the Anishinabek Nation have said the federal government is being dishonest as they have been told that there will be no negative impact on Ontario Aboriginals from the proposed Harmonized Sales Tax. The leaders fear the negative impact that charging an additional 13¢ per dollar will have on Ontario ... read more ››

Cultural Olympians

While the rest of Canada may still be reveling in the many historic and record-breaking moments of the Vancouver 2010 Winter Olympic Games, the James Bay Cree have their own Olympic legacy to celebrate. Not only did the Cree have their own James Bay Cree Day at the Aboriginal Pavilion on ... read more ››

Curriculum Kerfuffle

In looking to improve the Cree School Board’s low student success rates, the CSB recently announced that it would be improving the curriculum board wide, which has caused a stir in the community. “The school board, through the council of commissioners, have, by way of resolution, passed a plan that we ... read more ››

Fight Between Quebec Innu Hunters and Newfoundland Heats Up

A dispute between the Innu Strategic Alliance (ISA), which represents members from five Quebec Innu communities, and the province of Newfoundland is raging on after the ISA staged a hunt of the George River caribou herd on land that is being signed off for hydroelectric development. At the end of February, ... read more ››

Going for the gold

It was the Canadian equivalent of the shot heard ’round the world. And, almost as soon as Sidney Crosby fired a puck through the five-hole on U.S. goaltender Ryan Miller to win Canada the hockey gold medal in overtime on the last day of the Vancouver Olympics February 28, it ... read more ››

Keep Eeyou Istchee Together

Keeping Eeyou Istchee together is the theme of the Grand Council of the Crees’ referendum on the offshore islands in the James Bay and Hudson Bay. But the Grand Council is doing something a little different this time around. They have added a challenge the youth component to the referendum. The ... read more ››

Ontario Gets Closer to Handing Over Ipperwash

According to the Canadian Press, Natural Resources Minister Linda Jeffrey will introduce a motion on March 8 that will see Ipperwash Provincial Park converted to Crown land. Should this motion be approved, it could allow for the 40 hectares along the shores of Lake Huron to be transferred to federal government ... read more ››

Protecting the babies

Inuit infants die at a rate three times higher than babies in the rest of Canada. That’s according to a new study published January in the Canadian Medical Association Journal, called “Birth outcomes in the Inuit-inhabited areas of Canada”. The study looked at births in Canada’s four Inuit-inhabited regions – Nunavut, Nunavik ... read more ››

The call of the wild

Rhéal Charlebois’ handmade wooden goose calls are winning contests all over North America. What started as a hobby is becoming a full-time concern for the 43-year-old hunter and woodsmith from Mascouche, northeast of Montreal. Now he’s selling his goose calls, which range in price from $125 to $170, with the ... read more ››

The golden ages

There was a time when Canadians athletes were just average, or in some elite games, just plain old mediocre. Last century, you could count only a handful who excelled in sports and competed in the Olympics. Those who won a gold medal were remembered for eternity, just for the simple ... read more ››

The wolf pack gone awry

When we think of gangs we usually think of poverty, violence and inner-city minority struggles common to big cities throughout the world. But strife can take many forms, shapes and sizes and so do gangs. In small Native communities, the impact of unemployment, social problems, addiction issues and the changes ... read more ››