Volume 14, Issue 13

A non-apology apology for a non-existent crime against humanity

So Canada’s House of Commons passed a motion last week calling on the federal government to apologize to residential school survivors. Hell, it even passed unanimously, 257-0. Even though Conservative government MPs voted for the motion, the smoke and mirrors that Ottawa has employed for a century continues, however. Indian Affairs Minister ... read more ››

Commons vote calls for residential schools apology

Members of the all political parties stood together in the House of Commons May 2 to call for an official government apology to residential school survivors. The Liberal motion passed 257-0. Despite full Conservative support for the motion, Tory Indian Affairs Minister Jim Prentice said a formal apology could be years away ... read more ››

El turismo, a climate change omen

The figure, just a distant dot to the west, moved surprisingly quickly. No sound was heard, so a snowmobile was out of the question. What or who was it? It came in a zigzag, zipping back and forth. Soon it became clear, it was a man. But how did he seem ... read more ››

First People’s Fest tackles sexual identity issues – Rez show honours Alanis Obomsawin

This year’s edition of the First People’s Festival is aiming to shed light on the often overlooked, sometimes shunned topic of homosexuality. The featured film Back to the Circle is about the affirmation of two-spirited people from both sexes. Baron Chief Moon is a biography that explores the way we look ... read more ››

Polar bear numbers rising: Inuit elders

Inuit elders are saying that more polar bears need to be hunted to control the population in Nunavut’s western Hudson Bay area. Elders and hunters from the territory’s Kivalliq region told the Nunavut Wildlife Management Board during public consultations April 24 in Arviat that they have noticed more encounters with polar ... read more ››

Small is beautiful, says Chief Mark – Wemindji taking practical approach to wind farms

Wemindji is the latest community to throw its collective hat into the wind power ring with a cautious debut in the wind power industry, according to their chief. Two years ago the chief and council visited a wind power company based in Montreal called 3 Cl, which has completed numerous projects ... read more ››

Suicide prevention program ineffective – survey

Health Canada is failing to curb the high aboriginal youth suicide rate, according to a survey of suicide prevention workers conducted earlier this year. The survey by Ekos Research Associates, submitted to Health Canada in March, consisted of telephone interviews between January and March by 34 people working in the field ... read more ››

The Nation Summer Guide – A feast of festivals

Finally spring has sprung! The days are lengthening and growing warmer. Vacation season approaches. If you are planning to visit other regions of Quebec this summer, now is the time to start researching as this province hosts a phenomenal amount of festivals and celebrations that suit just about anyone’s tastes. For ... read more ››

UN honours Inuit activist Watt-Cloutier

Environmental activist Sheila Watt-Cloutier is the recipient of a United Nations lifetime achievement award for human development. The 53-year-old Watt-Cloutier will receive the 2007 Mahbub ul Haq Award for Outstanding Contributions to Human Development in New York City on June 20. The honour is in recognition of her work fighting global ... read more ››

When Tikta’liktak Came To Attawapiskat

School was always a place of refuge in our remote community. I almost always looked forward to going to school. I remember one special day in particular that changed my perception of Attawapiskat. Our teacher started every morning with daily announcements. This day got off to an exciting start with ... read more ››