Volume 14, Issue 7

A personal touch for Valentine’s Day

Though the day’s origins are deeply rooted in Christianity, Valentine’s Day as we know it is a multibillion-dollar machine that succeeds in prompting us to show people we are close to just much we love them via displays of cards, chocolates, flowers, perfume, lingerie and the like. In the United ... read more ››

AFN starts foster fight

The Assembly of First Nations will file a human rights complaint against the federal government over Ottawa’s “systemic discrimination” in underfunding Aboriginal child-welfare services. “Our children need action now, so I am announcing that we are putting governments on notice that a lack of action should be viewed as putting children ... read more ››

Changing the meny

Everyone loves a plate of French fries. We all know how bad they are for our health, but we inevitably convince ourselves that one serving won’t do us that much harm. At least, this is what I tell myself whenever I sit down to enjoy my favourite fried food. A ... read more ››

Chippewas evict non-Native cottagers

The Chippewas of Nawash First Nation in Hope Bay, Ontario, are taking their land back and in the process have served eviction notices to the non-Native cottagers who have built cabins on the leased-out land. The Chippewas informed the 68 cottagers that their long-term leases, administered by Ottawa, would not ... read more ››

Coonishish Burns Up The Snow On Racing Circuit

Oujé-Bougoumou’s favorite snowmobile-racing son, Katejun Coonishish, has been tearing up the World Power Sports Racing circuit, currently holding down second place in the overall standings. Coonishish also made his second appearance recently at the Winter X Games in Aspen, Colorado, where he finished fifth against the world’s best snowmobile racers. Although still ... read more ››

Cree miners hit subsidy lode

Quebec is seeding the Cree Mineral Exploration Board with $600,000 to help grow Cree participation in Northern Québec’s mining industry. The cash will be spread over two fiscal years, 2006-2007 and 2007-2008. “Northern Québec has great mineral potential,” Natural Resources Minister Pierre Corbeil said in a press release announcing the pre-election ... read more ››

First Annual Cree Idol Competition Announced

Calling all sopranos, altos, lounge singers or rocker wannabes for the inaugural edition of Cree Idol! Whether you can sing or only think you can because you sound really good in the shower, Cree Idol wants you!For a meager $20, contestants can sign up for the latest version of the ... read more ››

Is climate change a crime against humanity?

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights will examine a request to consider whether climate change due to environmentally unfriendly practices constitutes a human rights violation. Only two months ago, the organization had rejected a petition filed by Sheila Watt-Cloutier and 65 other Inuit in 2005. The U.S.’s failure to sign or ... read more ››

Let’s Talk Education – a CSB assembly

Montreal hasn’t seen this many Crees gathered since last year’s Grand Council/CRA Christmas banquet. They came from all over Eeyou Istchee to talk about education and learn about the inner workings of the Cree School Board and its various departments. One hot topic concerned a proposal to change the way ... read more ››

Our lives, our land, our health

Recently in our community a regional conference was held on diabetes and its effects on our people in Eeyou Astchee. I would like to add some recommendations, things that we as a community could consider to lead us towards prevention in the fight against diabetes. The need for better nutrition and ... read more ››


Fine. So winter is back. I take back what I said in an earlier issue about the balmy winter. I won’t complain anymore about the warmth. Two weeks later, a perfect winter storm arose from the northwest and settled in with a vengeance (an expression I’ve heard quite often these days, ... read more ››

Watt Cloutier up for Nobel Peace Prize

Former US Vice President Al Gore has some tough competition for this year’s Nobel Peace Prize: Sheila Watt Cloutier. Makivik President Pita Aatami expressed the pride of the Inuit of Nunavik for Watt Cloutier’s nomination. “We believe that Sheila’s hard work has brought the attention of the globe to the importance ... read more ››

Will on the Grill

Ah, avocados, my favorite fruit. I won’t bore you with any of my guacamole recipes this issue as I have written a couple in the past. However, I have included Will’s Hard Salad, which has an easy cheater’s recipe for the vinaigrette. The avocado is free of both sodium (salt) ... read more ››