Volume 6, Issue 23

A Moose of a Story

A few years back I had arranged to hunt moose up above the area I was trapping. I had decided to hunt with a good friend of mine who is now in the spirit world. His name was Rob and I dedicate this story to him. We had known each other ... read more ››


One beautiful morning July 10, 1950, a child of innocence was born, this child bringing happiness, laughter, joy, kindness, hope, faith, love and strength of the spirit within. The gentleness, innocence strong in spirit. All around the little creatures awake to a new morning, singing their gentle songs knowing of the ... read more ››

Accident claims life

A terrible accident outside Waswanipi took the life of a 15-year-old girl early the morning of Friday, September 24. Seven friends from the community were hanging out at the bridge on Highway 113 at around 2:30 a.m. when a truck came out of nowhere. One of the girls was hit. “She ... read more ››

Arrest in Obedjiwan murder

A 15-year-old minor from Obedjiwan has been charged with second-degree murder in the September 19 death of Justin Dubé, 23. Dubé, who lived in Obedjiwan, died after a brawl involving 15 to 20 people who had been partying in the school yard just before dawn. Police were called at 5:30 a.m., ... read more ››

Fight puts three in hospital

Three Chibougamau residents were put in the hospital after a fight with some Crees outside the Super Club Le Vegas bar after closing time a month ago. One man spent a day in a coma with a broken jaw. Another had his nose broken. The SQ in Chibougamau hadn’t heard of the ... read more ››

Greyest Owl

It is perhaps fitting that the real, fake Grey Owl was referred to as “the New Hiawatha.” After all, Hiawatha was written by Longfellow, another non-Native. Grey Owl was an Englishman who posed as an Indian and gained fame as a writer and a visionary of environmental protection. He claimed to ... read more ››

H-Q’s first Native joint venture stumbles

Hydro-Quebec’s first joint-venture hydro project with a First Nation is mired in controversy. Uashat mak Mani-Utenam, a community of 3,500, says its traditional lands will be affected by the $600-milllon project. But Hydro-Quebec left it out of negotiations on a hydro deal with neighbouring Betsiamites. On August 18, Betsiamites residents voted 80 ... read more ››

Hello. My name is Neil and I am an alcoholic.

Hello. My name is Neil and I am an alcoholic. I took my first drink when I was four years old. My young brain thought it was fruit juice but in truth it was this really sweet sherry that I haven’t been able to find since then. It was after dinner and ... read more ››

Helping Each Other

I am realizing more on more than one of the main ingredients for success in life is having work that is meaningful and rewarding. Lucky for me I have had a lot of help in learning how to write, how to interview people and even put together a newspaper. I ... read more ››

Moose almost wiped out 10 years ago

Loss of habitat because of clear-cutting and increased access via forestry roads nearly wiped out the moose during the late 1980’s and early 1990’s in Iyiyuuschii, says the Hunting, Fishing and Trapping Coordinating Committee. The moose population is still at low levels and needs more protection, according to a recent report ... read more ››

Pa Ma Sei Win “My Life”

A Profile of Thelma Cheechoo Our song bird from the James Bay region of Canada, Thelma Cheechoo, knows first-hand what it’s like to grow up in a large musical family. “I’m the second youngest of nine children. I was singing by the age 5 and performed onstage for the first time ... read more ››

Presnail in court

William Presnail, former Anglican minister of Waswanipi, was in court in Chibougamau Sept. 2 related to several charges, including one of sexually assaulting a minor in Chapais. He has pled not guilty. Presnail was arrested in Chapais last April 28 in connection with an alleged March 6 incident. The Sept. 2 ... read more ››

Radio station soldiers on

Cree radio is back on the air in Whapmagoostui. Or at least it was until the Goose Break. The community radio station had to shut its doors on July 1 after it ran out of money. It had to stop holding fundraising bingos before Christmas because of a threatening letter ... read more ››

Red Power

We may have heard about the Red Power Movement through our parents, better known as the American Indian Movement (AIM), originating in the Sixties. There were many reasons for starting these groups back then that still apply to our situation as Native youth today. I think the primary reasons being ... read more ››

Remains found at housing site

A construction crew in Mistissini has unearthed remains of three people in an old burial site that may date back to the early 1800s. The skeletons were discovered Thurs., Sept. 23 near the lake. Two homes are being built at the spot under a private home ownership program. Chief Kenny Loon, who ... read more ››

Threat of mass suicide

A First Nation of 8,000 people in Colombia is considering “mass suicide” after the Colombian government okayed oil exploration in the nation’s ancestral land. Occidental Petroleum Corp., a U.S. petroleum giant, got a license to do exploratory drilling for oil next to Indian lands just outside a 543,000-acre reserve inhabited by ... read more ››

U.S. slammed on trusts

America’s only Native Senator slammed the U.S. government for dragging its feet and hindering efforts to correct mismanagement of $3 billion in Native funds. The Interior Department is accused of gross mismanagement of the trust accounts for 338 First Nations and 300,000 individual Natives. Sen. Ben Nighthorse Campbell, chairman of the ... read more ››