Category: 2015 05 11

Interesting times and all that

Ever since the 1995 Quebec Referendum I’ve been very careful about how I fill out my ballot. I’ve marked my X with extreme precision, staying inside the box and probably paying more attention to that than who or what I was voting for. Luckily, the last presidential election in the ... read more ››

One in three bands miss audit deadline

The Canadian Press reports that nearly a third of Indian-band and related agency audits, required to track $5-billion in federal funds, are incomplete well past a July 31 deadline. The Indian Affairs Department says the number of late or unfinished annual reports is nearly 50 per cent in Ontario, where 64 ... read more ››

Hydro dams destroy forests

Canada wants the Kyoto accord on climate change to be structured so as to give Canada credits for “clean” energy exports of hydroelectricity (and natural gas) to the U.S. But according to a joint statement of the Sierra Club of Canada and Pimicikamak Cree Nation of northern Manitoba, this plan ... read more ››

Under The Northern Sky Diversity is a good thing

I enjoy the experience of learning about new cultures and people when I travel. Sometimes I do not have to venture very far from home to be able to mix with other cultures. Recently I enjoyed a visit to Toronto, which is famous as a multicultural city that is home to ... read more ››