Category: 2013 06 14

Exams for all…

If you are a student or parent of one, it’s that time of year again. June signifies the annual exam ordeal. I’m not sure who is more excited about the exams, my daughter or me. I recall the old days when I was in a similar situation. A hundred kids ... read more ››

The Nation has a healthy harvest at awards gala

Once a year the Nation and its team of writers, editors, columnists, photographers, production staff, graphic and web designers, sales people and accountants are judged on the quality of their work. It is truly a team effort that makes the Nation possible. As in years past, this year has shown ... read more ››

Crime Stoppers gets Cree green light

Eeyou Eenou Police Director Reggie Bobbish is bringing the Crime Stoppers prevention service to Eeyou Istchee. “The program will work with the general public and police collaborating to fight crime in our communities,” said Senior Officer Jim Hester. “By refusing to close your eyes to crime, you contribute to eliminating acts ... read more ››

Senate audit is called

Marjory LeBreton, the Conservative government’s Senate leader, called for an audit of Senate expenses June 3, two weeks after the Mike Duffy expense scandal broke. After asking for unanimous consent, LeBreton encountered resistance from Liberal and Independent senators. The audit will examine claimed expenses by members of the Senate. The expenses ... read more ››

“Level all their tents”

Strateco President Guy Hebert says that the Crees have no say over resource exploitation in Eeyou Istchee because “the Crees sold their rights.” Hebert made the comment during Strateco’s 2013 shareholder assembly. During the meeting, one investor went even further, questioning whether Crees qualified as Quebecers. “We should level all ... read more ››

On a wing and a prayer

On May 31, a terrible helicopter accident near the airport in Moosonee took the lives of four dedicated healthcare heroes for the Ontario James Bay First Nations. All First Nations are very grateful for the hard work and dedication of flight and paramedic crews that service remote Native communities all ... read more ››

The Mayan example

The historic battle for justice is winning against all odds The absence of despair. The refusal to lose hope. The determination to keep fighting in the face of implacable odds. These are the characteristics that struck me most about the many Guatemalan refugees I met in the spring of 1990 during a ... read more ››