Category: 2012 12 28

Taking the long view

If you’re reading this, the world did not end December 21, as some doomsday crackpots and deluded hippies believe was predicted by the Mayan long-count calendar. That doesn’t mean 2012, as a year, didn’t deserve to die. In many ways, this does feel like the end times. Politically, socially, economically, and ... read more ››

Attawapiskat Chief begins hunger strike in Ottawa

Chief Theresa Spence of Attawapiskat began a hunger strike to protest the Conservative government’s handling of First Nation issues on December 12. “I am willing to die for my people because the pain is too much and it’s time for the government to realize what it’s doing to us,” said Chief ... read more ››

Beaver hunt brings together Kahnawake Mohawks and Waskaganish Cree

Cree Hunters from Waskaganish made a six-day trip to Kahnawake Decemeber 8 -14 to help the Mohawk community control a beaver overpopulation problem. The beavers were damaging public and private property. Fallen trees and flooding from excess damming became an issue in Kahnawake. “It spread to the point that we were worried ... read more ››

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year

  It is that time of the year again. With the Christmas and New Year season upon us, a lot of people will be rejoicing in so many ways. Most of this season should be devoted to children having fun, but most of it has ended up being a very stressful ... read more ››

Record breaker

The 32nd Annual Cree Senior Hockey and Broomball Tournament took place in Val-d’Or, Senneterre and Barraute December 6-9, and this year it was a record breaker. An all-time high of 83 teams took part, competing in five hockey categories and two broomball categories for prize money totalling over $100,000. In the ... read more ››

Increasing business

The first week of December saw the 10th edition of Business Exchange Day return to Val-d’Or. The event, organized by the Cree Nation Abitibi-Témiscamingue Economic Alliance in collaboration with ComaxAT/ComaxNord, brought together over 165 companies and organizations, including representatives from every one of the nations of Eeyou Istchee as well ... read more ››

Resolutions for the new year

As the world revels in the season’s celebrations, much of the Cree Nation’s leadership is already thinking about 2013. To get a glimpse of what is to come in the New Year, the Nation spoke to the powers that be to see what was on their minds and what their areas ... read more ››

Political reflections and projections

There is no doubt that 2012 will go down as a major year for the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee with Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come at the helm. From the signing of the Cree Governance Agreement with the Quebec government to coming together as a unified front against the development ... read more ››

Northern shipping routes

History was made December 6 when a Russian tanker loaded with liquified natural gas crossed the Northern Sea Route, signaling the beginning of a new shipping lane through the North. The new route offers plenty of advantages to large energy exporters as it saves time on transit as well as fuel ... read more ››

Changing habitat

Arctic communities in Northern Canada are now facing a new problem due to the warming weather. Grizzly bears are finding their way into the communities where they historically have not been seen, causing alarm among communities and conservationists alike. The grizzlies have been recently encountered in the communities of Arviat, Baker ... read more ››

Festive food delights

The best thing about Christmas is all the great food that everyone produces at this time of the year. I have great respect for those who choose to cook for their family and friends for special occasions, like the festive Christmas holiday season. This year, I decided to take on ... read more ››

Monkey business

Chiefs from all across Canada attempt to gain access to Canada’s Parliament in Ottawa. They are repulsed and try to visit the Department of Aboriginal and Northern Affairs. Again the chiefs are denied entry and there is barely a blip on the radar of the mainstream media. A chief heads ... read more ››