Category: 2011 11 18

Drunk driver at the wheel

  “You won’t recognize Canada when I get through with it” – Stephen Harper, 2005 Never did a politician utter truer words. Indeed, we soon won’t even be able to find ourselves on Google maps. But no matter: the road to Stephen Harper’s Canada of the not-so-distant future is wide open and his ... read more ››

Award for Nation writer

  Nation reporter Akiva Levitas won the 2011-2012 Don McGillivray Memorial Prize in Explanatory Journalism from Concordia University for his article “Everything’s changing” which appeared in the September 23, 2011 issue of the Nation (Vol. 18, No. 23). On behalf of everyone at the Nation, “Congratulations, Akiva!” Levitas, who is studying journalism ... read more ››

Innu outraged by ADQ leadership comments

  The Innu of the Ekuanitshit First Nation in Mingan, Quebec, are outraged and seeking an apology from the Action démocratique du Québec leadership after disparaging remarks were made about the Innu group in conjunction with the ADQ’s objection to payments being made to band members. The money in question is $2.4 ... read more ››

Housing crisis needs solutions

  In reading the news headlines today I noticed that one of the main stories was about my home community of Attawapiskat on the James Bay coast. The news item highlighted the fact that there is a housing crisis happening on the James Bay coast in communities like Attawapiskat, Fort Albany ... read more ››

Eye on the prize

  The Quebec Major Junior Hockey League has produced some of the finest hockey talent in the world. As part of the Canadian Hockey League (CHL), “The Q” is a league where only the most talented and dedicated hockey players can play. This year, one of those players is Deverick Ottereyes. Raised ... read more ››

Determination pays off

  Sports have long provided a way for young people to get an education. Many teenagers have left their homes in Cree communities so that they can participate in their sport of choice at the highest level possible. As elite athletes, they can take advantage of Sport-Études and scholarship programs that ... read more ››

Puck fun

  The hockey season is now in full swing. And there are no better indicators of that then the recent announcements of upcoming Aboriginal hockey tournaments in Ontario and Quebec. The Annual CREE Senior Hockey and Broomball Tournament is back for its 31st year. Scheduled to take place from Thursday December 8 ... read more ››

Making an impact

  Quebec hockey fans may best remember John Chabot as a young centre for the Montreal Canadiens. Indeed, Chabot has enjoyed a hockey career as an NHL player and coach that can be considered successful by any standard. Today, Chabot is still deeply involved in the game, but not behind the bench ... read more ››

Shannen’s dream lives on

  She was the voice of a generation of children who had grown up without a school and the face of a movement to fight the Canadian government for educational equality. Though she died in 2010, a new book allows Shannen Koostachin’s story to live on forever. At the age of 13, ... read more ››

Seeing is believing

  “Unless you can actually fly in there, you would never believe that what you were seeing was in Canada,” says Charlie Angus, Timmins-James Bay NDP MP in reference to the Third World-like living conditions in Attawapiskat, Ontario. Attawapiskat is the subject of Canada: Apartheid Nation, a new documentary by director Angela ... read more ››

A call to craft and artistry

  The Cree Native Arts and Crafts Association (CNACA) has seen its own share of growing pains, much like any other entity in the Cree nation but six years later it is struggling to gain new ground. As one of Eeyou Istchee’s smallest entities, the organization has evolved from managing the Watchiya ... read more ››

Challenges obliterated

  Setting out to the change the way young Crees think about working in the field of business, the Cree Nation Youth Council (CNYC) recently hosted its own Cree Youth Business Symposium to inspire a new generation of Crees when it comes to the possibilities of the business world. The event brought ... read more ››

Pre-development splendour

  The community of Waswanipi, the Grand Council of the Crees and GéoMégA Resources gathered the media at the Sheraton Hotel in downtown Montreal on October 20 to announce and sign an exclusive pre-development deal for a rare-earths mining project. According to GéoMégA, the discovery of Total Rare Earths Oxides (TREO) at ... read more ››

An equal partner

  History was made on November 7 in Oujé-Bougoumou’s Albert Mianscum Memorial Sports Complex where representatives from Canada, Quebec and Eeyou Istchee gathered to sign an amendment to the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement (JBNQA) officially recognizing Oujé-Bougoumou as the ninth Cree community. After having been displaced many times, the community ... read more ››

Life less and strife less

  Once, many years ago, it was quite easy to get a driver’s permit. Back in the day, the local constable advised me to go and get a money order for $40 and send it out. I complied and wondered when the driving school would start, who the instructor would be ... read more ››