Category: 2009 01 02

The Mitts I Didn't Want

My sister Jackie had found them while cleaning out her attic recently. Her home is actually our family’s second house in Attawapiskat and mom had stored our children’s clothing and memorables in the attic space for safe-keeping. Mom explained that it was a surprise to find these old mitts as not ... read more ››

The Economic State of the Cree Nation

But, that does not necessarily mean that it has been an entirely bad year for the Crees, according to Jack Blacksmith, president and director of Cree Regional Economic Enterprises Company (CREECO). According to Blacksmith, the majority of the Cree entities are going strong with the exception of one, Cree Construction. “The construction ... read more ››

No backing down

On November 19, the residents of Barriere Lake blockaded Highway 117 for the second time in less than two months, only to be met, once again, by brutal force at the hands of the Sûreté du Québec. At the end of the day, over 40 of the 120 protestors were arrested, ... read more ››

Getting Proper Care for Childcare Workers

That brought AENQ together with the Centrale des syndicats du Québec (CSQ) and the Fédération des intervenantes en petite enfance du Québec (FIPEQ). Their aim is to get the Cree childcare centres finally unionized. With that, the AENQ-CSQ has just filed its fifth application for certification of the Waseskun Childcare ... read more ››

Looking Back

Some were noticeable and others never made it to the headlines. Looking forward, I see certain things that might just become reality. The past year brought us some flicker of hope for our future, as a new trusteeship was established for our $1.4 billion, since the funds had to be controlled ... read more ››

The Lessons of 2008

The crown prosecutor in his case had asked for a one-year sentence, in order to send “a strong message,” whatever that means. To his credit, the judge refused, saying a year would likely be an illegal sentence. Nonetheless, the judicial urge to get tough on Native activists is growing in Canada, ... read more ››