ARTICLES BY Sarita Ahooja

The Water is Ours

When a large U.S. corporation privatized water supplies in Bolivia and tripled water prices, the country’s 90-percent indigenous population exploded into action. The “water war” was the beginning of a new movement for indigenous autonomy. From the heights of the mountain called Alto Cochabamba you can see over the entire city ... read more ››

Milk Capitalism

The 120 families that make up Callamarca mostly farm, cultivating potatoes, beans and grains. For over a decade, community members also have been selling milk to a state company in order to make a living. But that changed when the company was bought by a Peruvian division of Nestle. Nestle will ... read more ››

To Live or Die in Araucania

The Mapuche people of Chile survived genocide, colonization and dictator Augusto Pinochet, their struggle isn’t over – tear gas and rubber bullets are flying as our reporter touches down in the middle of their direct-action movement against the government and forestry companies. “America awakens anew to the warrior song of its ... read more ››