You know how sometimes when you’re just about to fall asleep and a really good idea just pops into your head? It could be about anything. An idea for a movie, a song or, in my case, a column. Well, I had one of those last night but I was too lazy to get a pen and pad and scribble it down. I guess we’ll have to forget about that idea ’cause I’ll never get it back. We’ll just have to try to get on with our lives and make do with what we have less than one hour before the printer shows up. Again. When will I ever learn.
An incident at the DJ’s night club on Crescent Street almost turned violent after a Cree youth was punched in the face by some guy who, I would guess, didn’t like his looks and attitude. After the bar closed, an estimated one hundred Crees and fewer “CEGEP guys” faced off in front of the club. The fuzz arrived and quickly dispersed the angry Cree mob. Watch this space next issue for more DJ’s news.
Someone quipped that the reason some students are so opposed to the move of the CSB office to the Duke Street building is that they will not be getting new Lamborghinis. Ha! Personally I am not opposed to the move. But then again I’m not a student. Hell, even if I was a student I would be for the move. Just so I could keep an eye on the leadership. And if I was getting “paid” 1200 bucks a month to study I would walk to the east end to pick up my cheque.
I went the the CSB office this past week and did an informal poll. One employee said the location of the Lamborghini building
is “creepy.” Another said it was safer than downtown and the whole controversy stems from the “fact” that the building location is “inconvenient” for the students. Still another said his opinion didn’t matter. Actually all the employees questioned said their opinions mattered not.
That very same day a small group of students crashed the CSB Commissioners’ meeting and confronted our Mighty Grand Chief personally. Our man on the spot reports that a lot of the Commissioners were sweating and not because of the high temperature in the conference room. The plot thickens. Will there be violence when it comes down to the wire? Let’s hope so. Because, face it, violence is the only way they will listen. Just kidding (ha ha).
Finally we come to our always popular Music News. Ozzy Osbourne with special guests Danzig and Sepultura will play the Molson Centre September 27. Of course the Ozz will bite the heads of several species of fowls in the name of his Lord and savior, Satan. Neil Young is also playing the Molson Centre on the 7th of November. He’s back with his old band Crazy Horse. Also on the ticket the same night is Moist You might remember them as the band that opened for Metallica in Tuktoyaktuk. The Black Crowes are at the Theatre St. Denis October 20. No word yet on a concert by Hurlin’ Erland and the Technicians. Otherwise known as HEATT.