Hydro-Quebec’s proposed Mégiscane River hydro project proves that the PQ government isthe worst in Quebec’s history when it comes to the environment, charges a prominentenvironmentalist.

The latest hydro project is on Cree land, but Hydro-Quebec is trying to avoid holdinghearings into the project as called for by the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement.

Instead, Hydro has started informal talks with local residents on the project. No realpublic hearings are planned and instead Hydro hopes to buy off locals with a cut of theprofits, says Henri Jacob, co-chair of the Canadian Environmental Network and a residentof Val d’Or.

That is, if there are profits. Jacob said Hydro isn’t even assured of making money on theproject because it sells power to the U.S. at a loss.

“This is the worst government we’ve ever had in Quebec on the environment. Any group withany credibility will say the same thing,” Jacob said.

“They’ve reduced the environmental budget, removed regulations, tried to sell water tothe U.S. without public hearings and approved many (controversial) projects. Before,with the other governments, at least we were able to have a voice.”

Jacob, who also heads an environmental group in Val d’Or, said HQ should be opposedwith its latest project. The Mégiscane project could have serious impacts on duck,sturgeon and ospry populations in the area. “I hope there will be a lot of noise aboutit,” he said.