The elections for Grand Chief and Deputy Chief of the Grand Council of the Crees were the hot topic at this year’s Annual General Assembly in Waswanipi.

Much of the buzz is over current Deputy Chief Paul Gull, who is challenging Ted Moses for Grand Chief. His attention to the youth, speakers said, was something they appreciated.

His website claimed that, if the election had been held via the internet and without age restrictions, Gull would have won over Waswanipi by a good margin.

Matthew Mukash’s name was bandied about as well. A good traditional leader, some said, and most importantly, a new leader with a different outlook on age-old issues.

Although no one wanted to go on the record, various people didn’t mind talking about how they’d vote.

“He’s too much of a comedian,” one guy remarked of Alfred Loon’s run for Deputy Chief.

But another Waswanipi resident said, “I’d vote for Alfred. He has worked with a lot of the important people, Cree and non-Cree, so he knows what to expect.”

Others were pushing for Ashley Iserhoff, saying that he is more in touch with the youth than any of the other candidates for Deputy Chief.

By the time people read this, however, the election will be over – unless of course there is a run-off election, which is a distinct possibility.

As for the General Assembly, a few notable resolutions were passed during the August 9-12 meeting.

One dealt with a request of $ 15 million from the Waswanipi band council to finish the construction of the council’s administration building.

Construction was halted when money ran out to pay Facenor. This resolution was passed and they are to receive the monies needed as soon as possible.

There was also a resolution passed that will see the Cree School Board, Grand Council and the President of the Cree Cultural Institute work closely with Quebec to develop a Cree Language and Cultural Commission.

A special Grand Council AGA will be held after the elections of the Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief in order to deal with unresolved issues stemming from this year’s AGA in Waswanipi.

The new Cree voting regulations under by-law 28 will be in the next issue of the Nation. This deals with changing the terms of Grand Chief and Deputy Grand Chief from three years to four years among other things.

The next Grand Council/ CRA AGA will be held in Ouje-Bougoumou in 2006.

Below are the full drafts of the other resolutions.


WHEREAS the members of the 2005 GCCEI/CRA Annual General Assembly are seriously committed to deal with and resolve this extremely important issue on Cree Language and Culture as confirmed by the principles established at the joint Strategic Planning Session of the Cree Chiefs, the Grand Chief and Cree School Board on December 6, 1988, and by virtue of Resolution CC87 -127;

WHEREAS, the subject Commission will need to be organized in such a manner as to make efficient use of all possible resources from Quebec, Canada and the Crees.


THAT, the Chairman of the Cree School Board , the Grand Chief of the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and the President of the Cree Cultural Institute be and are hereby mandated to develop a proposal for a Cree Language and Cultural Commission with Quebec, Canada and the Crees;

THAT, the proposed Commission be developed to work through the authority of the existing Cree representatives such as Cree Chiefs, School Commissioners and Board members;

SUBJECT: BACKLOG AND CATCH-UP HOUSING AGREEMENT FOR WASWANIPI AND THE CREE NATION – Ministerial Guarantee to secure Financing for Waswanipi’s Housing Proposal over and above the Normal Programs.

WHEREAS: Like all Cree First Nations of James Bay and Northern Quebec Eeyou Istchee, the People of Waswanipi has been, and is still, facing a tremendous shortage and backlog of adequate housing units and the related facilities and services since 1975, In the neighbourhood of at least 200 units;

WHEREAS: The People of Waswanipi, through the Office of the Chief and Council had recognized the housing crisis in their home community and right across the Eeyou Istchee and as a result, had developed a Housing Proposal as a means to continue addressing and resolving the critical housing situation, in phases, over a specific time-frame.


THAT the Grand Chief and the Grand Council of the Crees [of Eeyou Istchee] be and are hereby given the proper mandate and authority to declare a State of Emergency

for the Cree Nation with respect to the severe and chronic housing shortage in all Cree First Nations;

THAT within this declaration, the Grand Chief and the Grand Council of the Crees [of Eeyou Istchee] be and are hereby mandated to use the “Waswanipi Housing Proposal” as a test case and pilot project in the negotiations with the Government of Canada as a means to obtain the Ministerial Guarantee;

THAT it is understood that the “Waswanipi Housing Proposal” represents the basic or minimum needs of the housing requirements that are considered essential and absolute as a catch-up program to be in line with the population growth for the past 30 years since 1975 and the projections for the next 30-70 years.


Political Intervention and Representation by the Grand Council of the Crees [of Eeyou Istchee].

WHEREAS: The Elders and the People of Waswanipi had been exposed to and had witnessed the impacts, since the 1940’s, the devastation, destruction and damage to the Land, the Traplines and the Environment as a direct result of forestry activities and logging operations;

WHEREAS: The Elders, the Tallymen and the People wish to exercise their Cree rights in studying the possibility of filing a Comprehensive Land Claim and entering into a long-term Forestry Agreement [“Mishtuk” Accord], for the direct benefit of our Present a nd Future Generations of Waswanipi and for the Cree Nation as a whole for all past damages;

WHEREAS: The Elders and the People of Waswanipi still continue, even to this very day 65 years later, to witness the on-going process of seeing their Land, their Traplines and their Environment being damaged.


THAT the Members of the 31st Annual General Assembly of the Grand Council of the Crees [of Eeyou Istchee] call upon the Grand Chief and the Grand Council to support the People of Waswanipi in their plight and struggle to regain and restore the state of the Land that was passed on and left to them from their ancestors for traditional use;

THAT the Grand Chief and the Deputy Grand Chief be and are hereby mandated to Intervene on behalf of the People of Waswanipi and to represent their best interests in negotiating a longterm Forestry Agreement for Waswanipi, much In the same manner as other Agreements that were negotiated with or for the other Cree First Nations;

THAT the Grand Chief and the Deputy Grand Chief be and are furthermore mandated to initiate the consultation process and the working relationship with the Elders, the People and Chief & Council of the Cree. First Nation of Waswanipi at their upcoming Annual General Assembly on September 7,8 & 9, 2005.


WHEREAS: The People and Chief &Councii of Waswanipi see the real need to see through the completion of the construction and beaufificatlon of The Nation Administration Building Project during the current 2005-2006 Fiscal Year and into 2006-2007 pending on the negotiations and funding to be made available:

WHEREAS: The People and Chief & Council of Waswanipi also see a real need for political support, intervention and representation, on their behalf and in their best interests, through the Offices of the Grand Chief, Deputy Grand Chief and the Grand Council of the Crees [of Eeyou Astchee] to request, negotiate and secure the short-fall amount of $15 million in order to allow the entire completion of the Administration Building Project for Waswanipi.

THAT the People and Chief & Council of the Cree First Nation of Waswanipi hereby call upon the Grand Chief, Deputy Grand Chief and the Grand Council of the Crees [of Eeyou Istchee] to enter into a “process” and arrangement to negotiate and secure the short fall amount of 15 million.

THAT in terms of proper consultation, communications and co-ordination, the People and Chief & Council of Waswanipi call upon the Deputy Grand Chief and Executive Director of the Grand Council of the Crees [of Eeyou Istchee] to establish and enter into a working relationship with the Deputy Chief, Executive Director and Director of Community Development of Waswanipi as a forum to work out the details, facts & figures and logistics pertaining to the plan, budget, schedule and package in preparation for the negotiations;

THAT It is understood that “time is of the essence” for this Major Capital Project to be secured as soon as possible.


WHEREAS, the Crees of Washaw Sibi were coerced by the Department of Indian Affairs into an Algonquin Community without their consent and done for the administrative convenience of the Federal Government;

WHEREAS, the Crees of Washaw Sibi are unable to acquire and receive the social and community services required to protect, promote and enhance their Cree culture;

WHEREAS, the Crees of Washaw Sibi are now acting on the urgent need to protect their language, heritage and culture by making a one hundred and twenty five mile journey of pride where they will claim their rightful community on August 15, 2005.


THAT, the members of the 2005 GCC(EI)/CRA Annual General Assembly hereby express their support to the members of the Washaw Sibi community on their journey of pride to reclaim their community;

THAT, the members of the 2005 GCC(EI)/CRA Annual General Assembly hereby encourage all Eeyou/Eenou to walk with their follow Eeyouch/Eenouch in support of their struggle.

SUBJECT: Increase funding for Cree Trappers Association

WHEREAS, at each annual general assembly of GCCEI/CRA the Cree Trappers Association requested support from the Assembly to meet their financial requirements for each fiscal year;

WHEREAS, the current funding of the association is insufficient and inadequate to fully implement its programs, operations and capital needs;

WHEREAS, the membership of C.T.A. consists of full time and non-full time Cree hunters and trappers;

WHEREAS, the membership of C.T.A. reaches the number of 4,700 members and thereby requires more funding for its programs.


THAT, the GCCEI/CRA is hereby mandated to explore ways and means to increase funding for the Association to meet their funding needs and requirements to fully implement section 28.5 of the James Bay and Northern Quebec Agreement in relation to its operations, capital and program funding

SUBJECT: Funding for Cree

Trappers Association Cree Science and Technology Program proposal.

WHEREAS, the Association has completed their Cree Science and Technology proposal;

WHEREAS, the above-mentioned program is unique of its kind and would serve to preserve Cree culture, traditions, values and Cree Way of Life of hunting, fishing and trapping;

WHEREAS, the Cree Science and Technology program would have a multiple purpose, use and benefit to Cree communities and the Cree Nations in their endeavours to improve the quality of life both economically and socially for Eeyouch.


THAT, the Grand Council of the Crees (Eeyou Istchee) and Cree Regional Authority hereby provide technical assistance to the Cree Trappers Association in the search of funding for the said program;

THAT, the Grand Chief/Chairman and Deputy Grand Chief/Vice Chairman are hereby mandated to do all things necessary and useful to effect the foregoing.


WHEREAS, the New Relationship Agreement called for the establishment of a Cree-Quebec Forestry Board, and

WHEREAS, the above-noted Cree-Quebec Forestry Board was established with Cree representation coming from two communities, and

WHEREAS, there are at least five Cree communities significantly affected by forestry activities, and

WHEREAS, it is appropriate from the perspective of equity and fairness that each of the communities significantly affected by forestry activities be represented on the Cree-Quebec Forestry Board, and

WHEREAS, the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree Nation made a formal request to have representation on the Cree-Quebec Forestry Board, and

WHEREAS, the most recent appointment to the Cree-Quebec Forestry Board has ignored Ouje-Bougoumou’s request for representation and has reinforced the inequitable composition of the Cree-Quebec Forestry Board,


THAT, the members of the 2005 GCCEI/CRA Annual General Assembly hereby call for a review of the composition of the Cree-Quebec Forestry Board with a view to ensuring appropriate and equitable representation from all the communities significantly affected by forestry activities, and

THAT, the above noted review be undertaken at the next meeting of the Grand Council of the Crees/Cree Regional Authority, and

SUBJECT Matagami-LG-2 Road Relay/KM 372 Project

WHEREAS, SDBJ is presently operating a road relay facility at Km 381 of the Matagami – LG-2 Road;

WHEREAS, SDBJ has indicated its willingness to transfer the said facility to a Cree entity;

WHEREAS, a study carried out by Soribco, with the assistance of three other specialized firms, indicates that to operate the Km 381 facility as is or to renovate it or to build a new one would not be viable under existing conditions;

WHEREAS, a plan has been developed for all coastal Cree communities for the financing construction and operation of a new road relay, a copy of which is attached to the present resolution;

WHEREAS, the Council has reviewed such plan and agrees with its conclusions and strategy;


THAT, the members of the 2005 GCCEI/CRA Annual General Assembly hereby approve and lend their support to the attached plan and strategy for the financing, construction and operation of a new road relay along the Matagami – LG-2 Road;

THAT, the Chief of the Cree Nation of Eastmain is authorized and instructed to do such things necessary and as may be required in order to give effect to the foregoing.


WHEREAS, THE Ouje-Bougoumou Cree Nation has noted that it is not being treated on the same basis as the other Cree communities with respect to allocations pursuant to the New Relationship Agreement which includes both financial resources and wood allocations, and

WHEREAS, the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree Nation has included measures in agreements with the Province of Quebec and the

Government of Canada which ensure that Ouje-Bougoumou is eligible for programs and services on the same basis as other aboriginal communities and believes that the same approach should apply with respect to the Cree Nation programs and services, and

WHEREAS, the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree nation has concerns that the current approach for allocation various benefits pursuant to the New Relationship Agreement poses serious threats to the long-term unity of the Cree Nation and

WHEREAS, the Ouje-Bougoumou Cree Nation is committed to the unity of the Cree Nation,


THAT, the members of the 2005 GCCEI/CRA Annual General Assembly hereby call upon the Board of Directors of the GCCEI/CRA to develop processes and procedures for the allocation of benefits pursuant to the New Relationship Agreement which respect principles of equity and fairness, and THAT, the members of the 2005 GCCEI/CRA Annual General Assembly hereby call upon the leaders of the Cree First Nations to put aside local self-interest in the development of processes and procedures for the allocation of benefits pursuant to the New Relationship Agreement in favor of processes which contribute to Cree Nation unity.


WHEREAS, the Cree School Board has the mandate and obligation to provide education and all related services to the Cree Nation;

WHEREAS, the Cree School Board was established pursuant to the JBNQA and began its operations in 1978;

WHEREAS, education is a fundamental Cree right;

WHEREAS, the GCCEI/CRA Annual General Assembly has an interest in the adequate delivery of education since it is a fundamental Cree right.


THAT, the Chairman of the Cree School Board provide a report card to the GCCEI/CRA on the state of Cree Education for all levels of education;

THAT, the Cree School Board also provide an action plan with time lines to deal with any deficiencies with respect to the delivery of quality education.

SUBJECT: Residential School – “Preliminary Report

on Conference on Indian Residential Schools”.

WHEREAS, following the Cree Conference on Indian Residential Schools, sponsored by GCCEI/CRA/IRSRC, and hosted by the Cree Nation of Mistissini on June 15 – 16, 2005,

WHEREAS, at the 31st AGA of the GCCEI/CRA and at the 28th AGA of the CRA held in Waswanipi on August 9, 10, 11, 2005, a “Preliminary Report” on said conference was tabled and reviewed.


THAT, the members of this AGA do hereby, accept and approve the “Preliminary Report on the Cree Conference on Indian Residential Schools”, as tabled subject to community input and further consultations with the 10 Cree communities;

THAT, the GCCEI/CRA be and is hereby mandated to confirm to provide up-to-date confirmation to the Cree communities on this important issue of Indian Residential Schools, on all areas including but not limiting to the following:

To research the history of the residential school system by community;

To coordinate all activities related to the residential school system;

To establish a resource centre on residential schools;

To recommend educational programs for the youth to be carried out through the Cree School Board; to assist the communities in developing healing programs

Provide full time counseling and also legal services;

To train Cree people to become counselors and to act as an advisory body to the local/regional governments, as well as the health and educational authorities of the Cree Nation; and;

THAT, (reference to C/B resolution adopted and passed at the last Council/Board) be and is hereby accepted and adopted at this Annual General Assembly;

THAT, the Grand Chief be and is hereby mandated to do all things deemed necessary and useful to give effect to the foregoing;

THAT, a working group on Residential School issue be formed with a representative appointed by each Cree community for the purpose, direction, communication and input into the possible solution;

THAT, the Cree Board of Health and Social Services also appoint a representative to this Working Group.


WHEREAS, the mission of Rising Stars is to assume the leadership role of amateur basketball throughout First Nations Reserves or communities;

WHEREAS, the mandate of Rising Stars is to provide leadership, coordination and direction in all areas of the sport by educating, training and developing athletes, coaches and officials while coordinating regional activities;

WHEREAS, the activities of Rising Stars would greatly benefit the youth of Eeyou Istchee.


THAT, the Cree Nation of Eeyou Istchee supports the mission and mandate of Rising Stars for the promotion and development of amateur basketball throughout the Cree communities of Eeyou Istchee.

SUBJECT: The DAVID NEEPOSH, SR. Awareness Walkathon for Cree Elders and Eeyou Governance — _Eeyou Istchee to National Assembly in Quebec City.

WHEREAS: The Cree Elders and the Cree Leadership of Eeyou

Istchee recognize and acknowledge the tremendous contribution and influence that late DAVID NEEPOSH, SR. had made in our Cree lives and Cree societies;

WHEREAS: The Cree Elders and the Cree Leadership of James Bay and Northern Quebec recognize the need to continue to show respect, honour and remembrance for the long life of DAVID NEEPOSH, SR,.


THAT the life and times of late DAVID NEEPOSH, SR, and his eternal drum will always be remembered and cherished deep in our hearts;

THAT the wisdom, understanding and teachings of late DAVID NEEPOSH, SR. will always remain within all of us as long as the drum continues to be heard;

THAT as a tribute to late DAVID NEEPOSH, SR., the Cree Elders and the Cree Leadership be and are hereby mandated to plan and organize an Awareness Walkathon, in his honour, from Eeyou Istchee to the National Assembly in Quebec City;