An ambitious after-school project sponsored by the Cree Regional Authority in collaboration with the Cree School Board has kicked off in earnest in Waskaganish.

The program allows parents to bring their kids to the school for supervision at 8 am until school starts. It also includes supervision from 11 am to 1 pm, and from 3 pm to 6 pm. The cost is $7 a day.

But there’s more to it than supervision. According to Anita Kitty, one of the coordinator’s for the program, there are many activities for kids’ aged 5-12.

“They can play board games, create handicrafts, and learn how to cook, play sports, or other activities. There’s also a time for kids to do their homework,” she said.

It’s been a resounding early success. November 29 marked the first day and 20 children attended. Kitty said that the program could accommodate up to 60 kids.

“It’s for parents who work late and don’t have a babysitter to look after their kids after school,” she said.

It may have started in Waskaganish, but the program is slated to become a part of other schools’ curriculum shortly.