Freddie Jolly, an environmental activist and hunter-trapper from Nemaska, has been charged with armed assault and uttering death threats, according to the Sûreté du Québec.
SQ spokesman Pierre Lavoie told the Nation that Jolly was charged after a Christmas Day party he had with two friends at his camp near kilometre 242 on the Route du Nord.
“On December 25 they made a Christmas dinner,” said Lavoie. “At night, Jolly had drunken a lot of alcohol and got angry at his friends. He proceeded to physically assault and utter threats at his guests.”
The victims, a 29-year-old woman from Montreal and her 35-year-old boyfriend from Nemaska, made a formal report to the SQ. Chibougamau SQ arrested Jolly the next morning, December 26.
He was cooperative, according to police, and was treated for a cut in his head as a result of the altercation. Jolly was released two days later and is set to appear in court February 15.