One thing that I have never really been interested in was the aspect of war. In my lifetime, the number of wars have always seemed to involve the Americans in one way or another, the Vietnam war, the Panama skirmish, the Grenada experience, the backing of the Afghanistan revolution against the Russians, the Gulf war, the war on terrorism and now the war on Iraq. Other wars, related to the settling of disputes of ethnicity in Europe is another matter, as they have experienced war first hand against one another, first in two world wars and recently in Serbia. Their wars were always on their home front, whereas the Americans have had their wars in other countries. In a way, the war against Iraq seems to be a little one sided, first they made sure that Saddam Hussein and his sons didn’t have any weapons, then they attacked Iraq. The oxymoron of expressions “the road to peace is riddled with wars”.

I prefer the steadiness that peacetime offers and even though I am a fortunate individual who lives in a rather serene (albeit slow) environment in the north with the only worries of global warming and the high cost of living affecting everyone who lives in the north, the idea of war seems so distant. Perhaps it’s the way that the war is portrayed on CNN, with a speculative blow-by-blow narrative, much like Sunday football or Hockey night in Canada. Even the weather channel is more informative and real world forecasts only affect my arthritis and not my worldliness.

In a peaceful country like Canada, who often plays peacekeepers after the war is over, I can only applaud the brave face that Canada has played in the international scene. JC was right about not becoming part of the war against Iraq, even though we are playing a role in the war against terrorism. Americans say that we may have stabbed them in the back by not helping or supporting the war against Iraq, but again, JC was right, Canada cannot go to war with out UN resolution. We are peace keepers not war mongers, period. Enough of this topic, I’ll go back to the home front, in Quebec where another war than can affect us in the north is now being waged on Cree airwaves.

As I speak, three political parties are preparing themselves for the fight over Quebec. The reigning Partis Québécois (Bernard Landry who is endorsed by Dr. Ted), the Liberals (Jean Charest who used to be Conservative until they got blasted out in the last elections by irate voters) and the new Action Democratic Quebec, headed by young Mario Dumont. As I look around my community, the visible effects of the upcoming elections seem nil and void. Where are the faces that apply to the races? Perhaps, because we who reside in the Ungava riding do not count as much as southern population in the same riding? If we do not count as much, then why are our resources often plundered when they are needed? Are we not the richest people per capita in the province when it comes to natural resources?

I apologize to my faithful readers that I may not be funny today, but the war in the middle east and the war over Quebec is just to damn depressing and I think I will call this my last article for the famous Reznotes. (APRIL FOOL! Not!) I knew I would get someone with that one. By the way, Happy Easter and all that jazz. Until the next war, I remain…