One time while I was driving in the US a light snow had hit Connecticut. People slowed down like crazy. I slowly passed cars going under the speed limit. When I reached the front I speeded up to the limit. I soon saw a police light flashing in my mirror. I pulled over and was lectured on safe driving. I started to laugh and said this was nothing. I explained the conditions up in Eeyou Istchee and went on my way.

In Eeyou Istchee we know the value of a good vehicle. We use them for hunting, fishing, work, getting wood for the winter, traveling long distances and so on. In the north we know what we want in a vehicle and it means different things to many people. We need something reliable that does the job. Given the distances we have to travel on a more or less regular basis that’s needed. How it looks is a bonus but one that we all want.

Given how much we spend on vehicles (some are more expensive than what our parents paid for their homes) a good look at the options are a must.

This is why anybody looking for a new vehicle should attend a car show. It only makes sense to looks at all the options when making such a large purchase.

A major investment is made easier by attending a venue that gives you access to everyone within walking distance.

Of course the most upsetting portion of the show for me were the 1930’s classic cars. When I look at those cars I want one. They were huge with enough trunk space to fit everything you, your wife and kids can think of bringing. The use of wood, colours and luxury are enough to dream of an amazing ride.

I am looking forward to trying out an electric motorcycle. The electric cars were a bit of a disappointment. Hydro-Quebec’s vehicle could only cover 160 kilometers per charge. Mistissini residents would be lucky to go to Chibougamou and back with even plugging in the car while shopping.

McGill Students were the coolest part of the show for me. They are creating hybrid and alternative fuel vehicles. In the display was a snowmobile that looked like it had some long legs. It reminded me of when Ernest Webb was on the racetrack in the International Rally in Chibougamou. McGill students with the skidoo at 514-398-4400 ext 09043 website:

Much to my regret I didn’t try one of the five race car simulators. We aren’t talking the usual arcade models here. One of them promised to deliver a 2 G’s of raw power experience. That sounds better than adding a mechanical bull to Sharks if you know what I mean.

Though I saw a lot of amazing choices in differing price ranges I missed the usual amount of prototypes we used to see. Some ideas were awesome. I still remember the office on wheels. It had email, faxes, a cell and satellite phone connection with teleconference capabilities and an on board computer. The seating was ample and had a fold out desktop for writing notes. The potential for leadership, whether political, corporate or other Cree entities to have mobile offices would be beneficial to the Cree Nation as whole.

In any case the choice of a vehicle is always yours. You alone can determine what will fit your lifestyle but look around. You may find not only what you need but the extras will make it what you want.

Though I saw a lot of amazing choices in differing price ranges I missed the usual amount of prototypes we used to see. Some ideas were awesome. I still remember the office on wheels. It had email, faxes, a cell and satellite phone connection with teleconference capabilities and an on board computer. The seating was ample and had a fold out desktop for writing notes. The potential for leadership, whether political, corporate or other Cree entities to have mobile offices would be beneficial to the Cree Nation as whole.

In any case the choice of a vehicle is always yours. You alone can determine what will fit your lifestyle but look around. You may find not only what you need but the extras will make it what you want.