Number of Nation employees in 1993: 6Number of Nation employees in 1997: 15Average time for Chisasibi to run out of The Nation: 4 hoursAverage time for Wemindji to run out: 2 daysAverage number of phone calls to The Nation office in one day: 150Number of awards The Nation has received: 12Number of times The Nation office has been robbed: 2Number of times The Nation office has moved: 3 Wage of Nation staff: $75 per day (everyone makes the same)

Wage for top Cree negotiators: $350 per day + $75 expensesAmount of government assistance used to start up The Nation: 0Number of months Nation staff went without salary at the beginning: 10Number of times The Nation was threatened verbally with a lawsuit: 6Number of times The Nation actually went to court: 0Number of times a chief has challenged Nation writers to a fistfight: 2Estimated number of coffees required to produce one issue: 100Average age of Nation employees: 31.3Ratio of Natives to non-Natives: 8:7Ratio of females to males: 9:6Number of inter-office affairs at The Nation office: 7Total number of pages in all Nations ever printed: 18,000,000Length of newprint used to produce all the copies of The Nation: 2,464,540 feet (approximate distance between Paradise Lodge and Whapmagoostui)

Number of out-of-country subscribers: 55

Farthest distance The Nation has travelled to a subscriber: 7,702 air miles (Tokyo, Japan)Number of ads the federal government has purchased in The Nation: 60Number of ads from the Quebec government: 6Per cent of letters sent to The Nation in 1994 that were anonymous: 90%

Per cent of letters sent in 1997 that were anonymous: 40%

Estimated total number of classifieds: 4,000Total number of Rez Notes: 50Number of issues with Rez Notes missing since it started: 5Ratio of Mac to PC computers at The Nation office: 1:3Number of times the Pope has appeared on the cover: 1Number of times Elders have appeared on the cover: 19Number of times children have appeared on the cover: 19Number of times Grand Chief Matthew Coon Come has appeared on the cover: 5Number of times a Nation staff member ran for Grand Chief: 1Number of times Freddy Jolly has appeared on the cover: 2Number of full color covers: 14 (including this one), Number of appearances by chef Jean Cuisine (or Jean Poulet): 4Number of appearances by Erland S. Campbell: 14Total number of polls The Nation has conducted: 4Number of times The Nation or staff made the news (TV, radio or print): 56