Montreal’s salon de l’auto modifiée name was, as usual, a big hit this year.

With tripped-out Hummers and hyped-up Civics, the show attracted people from all walks of life – and plenty of beautiful “car girls.”

Olympic Stadium was home to over 200 cars from October 14-16, which was a welcome site for the cavernous former home of the city’s beloved Expos. Thousands of people attended the three-day event.

An interesting site was a hepped-up police car made to demonstrate what is legal for a car and what is not. City of Montreal police Officer Valois spoke of everything from the percentage of tint allowed on the windows to the height of the car from the street.

“Everything on this vehicle demonstrates what is legal and what is not,” said Officer Valois, who was handing out pamphlets to those interested in jazzing their ride up, but not interested in getting pulled over by the police for “excessive modifications.”

She was quick to point out that the police lights on top of the car, however, are strictly forbidden, modified or not.

The Canadian Armed Forces were there as well, showing off one of their 105 mm Howitzers that have a firing range of 18.5 kilometres.

This should be interesting for readers from Waswanipi who almost had one of these mammoth weapons smack dab in their back yard. Thankfully for them the proposed firing range was quashed.

Some cars were tripped out with a Halloween theme, from skeletons “driving” the car to freaky deaky paint jobs that will surely scare pedestrians year round.

Although many of the owners prefer to showcase their cars rather than drive them, at least one owner chose to buck the trend.

“I drive it every day,” said the owner of a 2005 Chevy Silverado tow truck with a black and greyish paint job that depicts large glaciers all the way around the truck’s body. “I bring her to shows as well but I don’t baby her, and she can take as much as I give,” added the owner, who wished to remain nameless.

Some of the cars were even for sale. A 2005 Viper could be had for $40,000, a steal for such a luxurious moto-monster. “We fix them up and sell them all the time,” said the owner, who admitted to not having enough cash to personally own one.

“That’s the fun of it, making something look this great and then selling it.”