Just a short message to the following sponsors who have done a lot to keep me on the 1996 CCMQ Circuit.
I just want you to know how much I appreciate your financial support. Without you I would not be able to attend all the 11 races I participated in this year. I just want you to know when I make it to the first-place finish you are also riding with me. You’re the Champ!
I would like to thank Mistissini Youth and the Mistissini Youth Council for believing in me enough to represent you; Eenetuk Forestry Corporation for your belief in me; Meechum Reg. for your generosity; Centre de Reparation CR Chibougamou Inc. for providing me a machine that takes me all the way to the finish line; and not least to the Cree Nation of Mistissini and its recreation department for recognizing and believing in your people’s love of sports.
I would also like to thank all the individuals who are too many to name for standing with me and pushing me to try a little harder.
Thanks for your encouragement. Stay #1