Grand Chief Matthew Mukash has become the newest member of Cree Wildlife Protection as he was sworn in as an auxiliary April 7 in Quebec City.

Mukash successfully completed the training program provided by the Protection de la faune du Québec. “He may thus provide the necessary information to the Cree Nation to favour the conservation and development of wildlife and its habitats, while setting an example for his community,” Minister of Natural Resources and Wildlife Minister Pierre Corbeil said in an official press release.

Through the Paix des Braves, Eeyou have an easier time accessing the training program of Cree wildlife protection officers and the training of Cree wildlife protection auxiliaries.

“I am proud to announce that we have respected our commitment to train Cree wildlife protection officers and wildlife protection auxiliaries,” said Corbeil. “To date, approximately 300 master trappers have taken part in a seminar during the course of which they have come to realize the importance and significance of their new duties.”

The press release continued: “The mandate of wildlife protection auxiliaries is to provide assistance to the wildlife protection officers in the exercise of their duties and, by the same token, to raise awareness among the Cree as to the importance of respecting the laws and regulations governing hunting, fishing and trapping on their respective territories.”