A forum to look at the growing concerns about youth suicide and other problems facing young people will be held in Moose Factory on Feb. 14-16.
“The purpose is to provide a setting, an environment for a hearing. To listen to the concerns and ideas of where to go,” said Larry Rickard, adolescent counselor for the Moose Cree First Nation.
This forum is a response to the continuing loss of youth to suicide in the Nishnawbe-Aski Nation area. In the past few years there have been 10 such conferences held in Native communities across Northern Ontario by NAN.
“The forum will hopefully help to establish a working plan and start a healing process within the communities,” said Rickard.
The forum will focus on hearing from youth themselves. A report on this and other conferences will be presented to First Nations, community members, organizations and the government. This information will be made be useful and readily available for people in helping youth in the communities.
Any youth who are interested in presenting a statement can reach Larry Rickard at (705) 658-4544, or Stan Wesley at the band office: 658-4619.