The SQ bomb squad was called out to a Hydro-Quebec facility in Drummondville on Sept. 30 to defuse a powerful explosive.

The bomb was discovered in mid-afternoon by a man working at a dam in the Eastern Townships, said Surete du Quebec Constable Francois Dore.

Dore pointed the finger at the Hell’s Angels. “We don’t know whose behind the planting of this bomb,” Dore said in a Gazette article. “However, I must tell you that everyone knows that on Thursday, a Hell’s Angel was cremated

in Drummondville.

“And curiously enough, the place where the explosive was discovered is only a few minute’s walk from where the biker was cremated,” he said.

Thursday, Sept. 29 was the day 200 Hell’s Angels paid their last respects to Louis Lapierrc, 39, who set up the Montreal chapter of the gang in the 1970s.