In the June 25th issue of the Nation we did a story called Clip gets shaved. In the interview with Mistissini Deputy Chief Kathleen Wooten some information was incorrect. We apologize if this information inconvienced anyone. The correct information is below for the changes in the school program 2004 -2005 – Elementary Sector. Please note the major changes that will effect the students at Voyageur Memorial Elementary School in August, 2004

Pre-Kindergarten: There will be a new pilot project in the afternoon in French.

A limited amount of students will be accepted for those who wish to register their child in this pilot project.

Kindergarten: Students who were in the Pilot Project in French last year, are given the opportunity to continue French 50% and Cree 50%. (There is no English offered at this level)

Grade 1 & 2 English: These two grades will commence at 50% in English and 50% in Cree. Grade 3 to Grade 6: 80% in English and 20% in Cree.

Grade 1 to Grade 6 French: These grades will be 80% in French and 20% in Cree.

Transit Class (Grade 7): All students who will be promoted from grade 6 English and French will be placed in a Transit class. According to Mistissini’s research, the grade 6 students are a minimum of one level lower in English and a minimum of two levels lower in French. There will be no Secondary one class at the high school next year. The teachers in these classes will concentrate mainly on Language Arts and Math.

A letter will be sent to parents whose child is “at risk” to discuss a solution to place the student in a more successful situation in the next school year.