Students of Chisasibi’s James Bay Eeyou School are set to learn the ins and outs of tracking the weather in their community.

They will be using an MK-III Wireless Weather Station which has been installed on the roof of the school courtesy of the Elephant Thoughts Global Development Initiatives organization. The equipment will enable Chisasibi youth to record the temperature, wind speed and direction, humidity, rainfall and barometric pressure from within the school.

Starting in March, students will attend workshops on subjects from building solar-hydrogen cars to learning how electricity is produced through hydroelectric power and investigating the impacts of global warming. The students will complete the series of workshops with a short documentary based on their findings.

Once the program ends, the students will be able to produce regular weather reports.

A similar project is expected to launch in Eastmain shortly after.

The project was developed by the Niskamoon Corporation to increase interest for careers in science and technology. In 2005, the Elephant Thoughts organization and the Cree School Board also got involved in order to realize the project.